Pay attention to these reactions on the feet, it may be a serious illness on the way [Xinmin Health]

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foot It is an important part of our human body. If we do not have feet, we will not be able to walk, and it will be difficult to carry out daily life. It can be seen that feet occupy an important position. Any problem is not a trivial matter, so take care of your feet. In the following situations, it is likely that the disease is about to be found!

Sign 1: Numbness in feet

If your feet feel numb from time to time, then you need to Attention, it is very likely that the blood circulation in the feet is blocked, which leads to the blockage, which leads to the phenomenon of blood clots. If you have a history of diabetes and have symptoms of numbness in your feet, you must be alert to diabetic feet.

If you don’t feel anything even when you move your feet, it is already in a very serious condition, and there is even a risk of amputation. Therefore, if you experience numbness, go to the hospital for a checkup in time for your own health.

Sign 2: Frequent foot cramps

Sudden cramps in the feet, or sudden muscle contractions, may be caused by exercise or dehydration Temporary situation caused. If you have frequent sudden cramps in one or a surrounding muscle, along with soreness, you should increase your calcium, potassium, and magnesium intake.

Sign 3: Thick and yellow nails

Patients with onychomycosis are usually unaware, so sometimes they don’t feel it for many years. It will be found, and this situation is caused by a fungal infection under the nails. If not treated in time, it will spread to all toenails and even fingernails. People with diabetes, circulation problems and immune system problems are more susceptible to the disease.

Sign 4: Sudden enlargement of the big toe

May be gout, a type of arthritis that is usually caused by Caused by excess uric acid. Uric acid is usually found in parts of the body where body temperature is cooler, and the coolest part of the body is the big toe farthest from the heart. Men in their 40s and 50s and postmenopausal women are more prone to gout.

Sign 5: Hallux Valgus

If the big toe is more than 15 degrees out and is The upper or lower part of the two toes is usually hallux valgus, also known as the big foot bone, which is more common in women. If you don’t pay attention, the big toe will become more and more deviated, and the protruding joint of the first toe will become inflamed and painful. Deformed places are also prone to calluses and even corns.

In addition, there will be swollen feet, heel pain, cold feet for a long time, etc., all need to pay attention to inspections to rule out disease factors.

The feet are our most precious parts, and if we leave them or have problems with them, our bodies will not be much better. Therefore, we usually need to take care of the health of our feet. If our feet are healthy, our body will naturally be healthy.