People with insufficient yang qi are more likely to attract tumors? What is “Yang Qi”, experts explain

“Lao Liu, I heard that the lack of yang qi is easy to be targeted by tumors.”

“Anything with yang qi that is not yang qi has nothing to do with tumors, right? ?”

Early in the morning, while playing Tai Chi in the park, Lao Zhou and Lao Liu had a discussion.

I. Is insufficient yang easy to attract tumors?

The so-called yang qi is actually a concept of traditional Chinese medicine. The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine records it like this: “If the yang qi is like the sky and the sun, if it loses its place, it will lead to poor longevity. The sun is shining.”

Professor Cao Yang, head of the Cancer Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that For human beings, yang qi is like the sun in the sky, which dominates human life. The sun in the sky warms and nourishes all things, and the yang temperature of the human body nourishes the body, which is the driving force of life. Therefore, the function of yang qi is mainly embodied in two aspects: gasification, warming and nourishing, and defense and external defense against evil.

So, why is there a saying that lack of yang qi easily leads to tumors? Woolen cloth? This starts with the occurrence of tumors.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of tumors is related to the continuous accumulation of “phlegm coagulation” and “blood stasis” in the body, which are regarded as yin pathogens and lead to insufficient yang qi. Insufficient yang qi, body fluid and water cannot be transported and transformed normally, and metabolites are difficult to excrete, which will eventually turn into phlegm and blood stasis, forming tumors. On the contrary, if the yang qi is sufficient, the qi, blood, body fluids and zang-fu meridians function normally, the metabolites can be excreted normally and will not accumulate in the body.

Second, cancer also “likes” these people

In addition to “insufficient yang” which may be more likely to attract tumors, there are 5 types of people in life They should also pay more attention to the prevention and treatment of tumors, because they are exposed to or have more high-risk factors for cancer, and the risk of cancer is also greater than that of the general population.

1. Long-term smokers

Smoking is the main culprit of lung cancer. Tobacco burns There are more than 4,000 chemicals in the smog of China, of which more than 400 are toxic and more than 50 are carcinogenic. Statistics show that 80%-90% of lung cancers in developed countries are caused by smoking. The longer you smoke and the more you smoke every day, the greater the risk of lung cancer. Smokers have a 16-25 times higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers.

In addition to lung cancer, smoking is also the main cause of cancer of the larynx, mouth, pharynx and esophagus, as well as cancer of the bladder, pancreas, liver, cervix and kidney. Cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer and some leukemia promoters.

2. People with family history of cancer

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), a top clinical medical journal in 2016, published a study by Harvard scientists in collaboration with researchers in Denmark and Finland. Studies have found that at least 22 types of cancer are genetic diseases that are passed down from generation to generation in families.

Of course, the so-called cancer heredity does not mean that cancer is directly inherited, but genetically related cancer genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 related to breast and ovarian cancer. , On this basis, if it is also affected by carcinogenic factors in the external environment, after a complex process of carcinogenesis, cancer may be induced in the human body.

Therefore, people with multiple blood relatives who have had cancer may carry certain cancer-related unstable or defective genes, which may lead to cancer. The risk is higher than the average person. If relatives who are not related by blood in the family also suffer from cancer one after another, it is necessary to reflect on whether everyone has the same unhealthy lifestyle because they have lived together for a long time.

3. Fatty

Studies have long proven that < span>Obesity may increase risk of 13 cancers, including breast, ovarian, endometrial, esophageal adenocarcinoma, cardia, biliary tract, kidney, pancreas cancer, colorectal cancer, multiple myeloma, thyroid cancer, liver cancer, meningeal cancer.

Cancer’s ‘preference’ for obese people may be related to their excess fat about. Obese people are more likely to have chronic low-level inflammation, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells, mainly macrophages and T lymphocytes, is enhanced. The secreted inflammatory factors can promote the abnormal proliferation and transformation of cells and increase the risk of tumor occurrence.

If you want to judge a person’s fatness or thinness, you mainly look at the BMI index. The BMI measurement standard of Chinese adult residents is ≤18.4 is thin, 18.5-23.9 is normal, 24-27.9 is overweight, ≥28 is obese.

4. Sedentary people span>

The authoritative journal JAMA Oncology published a cohort study investigating the risk of death from a sedentary lifestyle in cancer patients. The study found that compared with patients who sat for less than 4 hours a day, patients who sat for more than 8 hours a day had higher rates of all-cause, cancer-related, and non-cancer-related deaths.

Further joint analysis showed that sitting more than 8 hours a day and not engaging in physical activityThe risk of all-cause mortality was 5.38 times that of patients who sat for less than 4 hours a day and was actively exercised, and the risk of cancer-related death was 4.71 times that of patients with insufficient physical activity/activity.

5. Those who refuse physical examination

Regular physical examination can detect physical abnormalities in time, but A lot of people think it’s unnecessary, but it’s not. In addition to routine physical examinations, cancer prevention physical examinations are of greater significance. It can comprehensively screen cancers for high-risk groups and healthy people, and timely detect cancer types that are difficult to find in routine physical examinations, so that intervention measures can be taken.

Third, high-risk groups should undergo tumor screening early

Wang Guiqi, Director of the Department of Endoscopy, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences said: “There has never been a sudden tumor. The occurrence of a tumor is a multi-stage slow process. Taking gastric cancer, colon cancer and other cancers as an example, it generally takes 10-15 years to develop from precancerous lesions to advanced cancers.” Therefore, targeted tumor screening should be carried out in time for high-risk groups Check is necessary.

Taking colorectal cancer as an example, the high-risk groups mainly include 6 categories, namely, people with a family history of colorectal cancer ; people who are overweight or obese; people over the age of 50; people with chronically poor bowel movements, and people with specific intestinal diseases such as adenoma, familial polyps, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.. For the above-mentioned high-risk groups of colon cancer, it is necessary to increase the awareness of cancer prevention and physical examination, and it is recommended thatregular fecal occult blood examination and colonoscopy examination. Don’t wait until you have symptoms and then think about going to the hospital for a check-up, it may be too late by then.

And other tumors also have their corresponding screening methods, everyone should pay attention to the correct selection. The details are as follows:

  • Lung cancer: low-dose helical CT of the chest
  • Breast cancer: Breast ultrasound
  • Liver cancer: alpha-fetoprotein detection combined with liver ultrasound
  • Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer: Gastroscopy and Indicative Biopsy
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Today, cancer remains one of the major diseases that threaten our health and safety. In the face of cancer, we don’t have to panic, but we can’t be careless. We must do a good job of scientific prevention to minimize the risk. In particular, regular physical examinations should be paid attention to, and don’t feel indifferent or afraid of spending money. When the situation becomes more serious, you may be thankful for your choice. #Spring Life Punching Season#


[1] “Who is more likely to get cancer? Oncologist: These five types of people! “. Health Times. 2020-11-01

[2]” I was shocked after reading it! Nearly half of urban people are at high risk of cancer! “. Qianjiang Evening News. 2015-02-12

[3] “[Talking about tumors] Insufficient yang qi easily leads to tumors”. The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2020-10-16

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