How to identify the quality of lotus seeds?

Simply put, to distinguish the quality of lotus seeds from bad, we must do “one look, two smells and three boils”.

At first glance, it means to see if it is a white lotus seed soaked in chemical potion.

Don’t buy white lotus seeds soaked in chemical potion. Both hand-peeled and machine-grinded white lotus seeds can be bought. The handmade white lotus seeds have a little natural wrinkle skin, while the machine-grinded white lotus seeds have a little residual red skin on them, both of which are fine. However, the white lotus seeds peeled with chemical potions will swell a little at the knife marks during the processing. The normal lotus seeds will turn a little yellow after being exposed to the sun. Or the smoked lotus seeds are pure white and look whiter.

Second smell means smelling it when it is raw, and smelling it after it is cooked.

Smell is to see if the lotus seeds have a fragrant smell. Good lotus seeds have the fragrance of fresh rice, while stale lotus seeds don’t smell very good. They have a sour taste that white rice noodles have been kept for a long time, which is a little sour and strange. And the lotus seeds soaked or smoked in chemical potions have a pungent smell, which is not very pleasant.

Familiar smell refers to high-quality, good white lotus seeds that smell a touch of fragrance after cooking, and swell a lot, but the white lotus seeds that are chemically peeled, the size after cooking Not much has changed, and there is still a smell of alkali, which is rather unpleasant.

Three boiled means to taste the quality of white lotus seeds after they are cooked.

A good white lotus seed will be rotten after being cooked in a pressure cooker for about 15 to 20 minutes, and it will taste powdery, soft and fragrant, but it may be soaked in chemical water or not good. White lotus seeds are hard to boil no matter how you cook them.

In general, the key to choosing a white lotus seed is to “look at it, smell it and cook it”. Everyone who cooks white lotus seeds should remember to remove the painstaking efforts in the middle of the white lotus seeds, because the lotus seeds are in the heart Noodles contain certain alkaloids and flavonoids. Animal and mouse studies [1] found that when the total alkaloid content of 1000 grams of lotus seeds reaches 5 grams, it is the maximum tolerated dose for mice. If you eat too much at one time , will have lower toxicity.

The author of this issue: Liao Yuying, Zhao Lichao

Beauty Editor: Peng Mingqian


[1] Yang Xiaoqing, Song Jinchun, Xie Shunlan, et al. Toxicity test of total alkaloids from lotus seeds [J]. Pharmacy and Clinical Research, 2015(4):351-354.


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