The nemesis of synovitis has been found, and if I insist on using S.

The nemesis of synovitis is found, and it can be used for 5 years or 10 years. /span>

In recent years, the number of patients with synovitis has been increasing, especially among middle-aged and elderly people. Synovitis often occurs in knee osteoarthritis, mainly due to the stimulation of cartilage degeneration and bone hyperplasia, resulting in knee joint synovial edema, exudation and fluid accumulation. Today we are going to learn about synovitis.

the cause of this disease What?

1. Young people’s synovitis

Young people’s synovitis is mainly due to knee sprain and a variety of internal Injuries, such as meniscus injury, synovial injury, cruciate ligament or collateral ligament injury, manifest as acute knee traumatic synovitis. Coupled with the invasion of wind, cold, and dampness, the knee joint will gradually appear swollen and dysfunctional, resulting in chronic knee joint synovitis.

2. Synovitis in the elderly

The elderly suffer from synovitis, mainly due to cartilage degeneration and bone The mechanical and biochemical stimulation produced by hyperplasia, secondary to knee joint synovial edema, exudation and effusion, etc., the treatment of synovitis is mainly to regulate the microcirculation system. , the same inflammation is relieved.

How to treat synovitis?

1. Coarse salt bag for external application on knees: 1. Prepare 500 grams of coarse salt. If there is no coarse salt, use fine salt instead, or use coarse sand instead, and a small sand bag. 2. Put the iron pot on the stove and dry for 3 minutes to remove the water in the pot. 3. Pour the coarse salt into the pot and stir fry. After frying for 10 minutes, the salt has been very hot. 4. Quickly put the salt into a small sandbag, and then cover the waist with a sandbag. Determine the duration of stay according to the temperature. If it is too hot, let it cool a little and then cover it.

2. Saffron Soup Material: Saffron 15g, Achyranthes sichuanensis 15g, safflower 10g, Streptomyces grass 12g, Tougucao 12g, Bone-hunting wind 12g, Wang Buliuxing 15g, Chuanxiong 15g, Wushao snake 5g, Centipede 5 grams. Preparation method: first soak the medicinal materials with an appropriate amount of white vinegar, soak for 20-30 minutes, then add 1000ml of cold water and cook for 20 minutes, then take the upper clear juice, take it twice a day warmly, and use the medicinal residues as a hot compress on the swollen and sore areas. Efficacy: promoting blood circulation, dispelling blood stasis, expelling wind and relieving pain, strengthening muscles and bones. Main knee joint synovitis, old cold legs, meniscus pain. The above methods can be tried, and the recovery effect of synovitis is good.