How to stabilize the condition of a patient with thrombocytosis?

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essential thrombocythemia is a myeloproliferative disease, because the disease progresses slowly, many patients have There are no obvious symptoms, and a small number of patients experience dizziness and fatigue. But as the disease progresses, a small percentage of patients may develop myelofibrosis or even leukemia.

Thrombocytosis is the main symptom of thrombocytosis, in addition to being prone to thromboembolism , bleeding and other symptoms may also occur. In addition to actively cooperating with treatment, patients should also take relevant nursing measures to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

How to stabilize the condition of patients with thrombocytosis?

—thrombosis prevention

Because the platelet count in the peripheral blood of patients with thrombocytosis increases, the patient is prone to the symptoms of platelet aggregation and thus has a tendency to thrombosis. To stabilize the condition of thrombocytosis, the first thing to do is to lower the platelet count to prevent platelet aggregation and prevent thrombosis.

—preventing bleeding< /span>

Patients with thrombocytosis have insufficiency of coagulation and have a certain risk of bleeding. Therefore, when choosing clothes, loose and comfortable clothes should be the main ones to avoid skin damage. Damage to the mucosa results in subcutaneous hemorrhage. Also try to avoid factors that can cause bleeding, such as: strenuous exercise, smoking and drinking, staying up late, bumping injuries, emotional agitation, etc.


< span>Patients with high platelets can eat more foods that can remove blood stasis in their diet to prevent the development of the disease. Common are: celery, fungus, Panax notoginseng, natto and other foods. Also pay attention to daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, inhibit platelet aggregation, eat a light diet, and drink plenty of water.

–revisiting span>

The commonly used treatment methods for thrombocytosis include hydroxyurea, aspirin and other drugs, but if patients want to maintain a stable condition, they must undergo regular reexamination and close monitoring of the condition Variety. Once the condition is abnormal, it is necessary to report to the attending doctor in time to adjust the dosage and time of medication to prevent further development and aggravation of the condition.

Patients do not need to worry too much after being diagnosed with thrombocytosis. The disease generally has a good prognosis. As long as it is detected early and treated in time, the condition will be relieved. After reaching stability, the survival of most patients is the same as that of ordinary people. However, in order to avoid the worsening of thrombocytosis, scientific nursing and regular follow-up are needed.

Beijing-Shanghai-Luzhou Hematology Association Clinic

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