Henan patients only have a single kidney and suffer from nephropathy Luo Dashu: Pay attention to diet to prevent nephropathy

Mr. Wu is being treated by Luo Dashu.

Red Net Moment News April 29th (correspondent Liu Xiangyi) Mr. Wu (pseudonym) from Henan is 46 years old this year. In 2008, Mr. Wu often suffered from pain in the left waist and abdomen, and blood during urination. Because of the unbearable pain, he went to the local hospital for examination and found that the left hydronephrosis was serious. Because the left kidney was suffocated, the local doctor advised him to remove the left kidney. Kidneys removed. Therefore, in early June 2008, Mr. Wu underwent a left nephrectomy. After a period of recuperation, he was discharged home.

In the second year, when Mr. Wu was working in another place, he was overworked for a long time and caused stones. He had a stone extraction operation in a stone hospital in another place. After the operation, he was found to have high creatinine and was hospitalized for a period of time. After time, Mr. Wu felt that he had no major problems, so he was discharged from the hospital and continued to work. Later, during the re-examination, it was found that the creatinine had increased a lot. Mr. Wu rushed to Shijiazhuang for treatment, but there was no obvious effect, so he chose to go back to his hometown for treatment. raised again.

Mr. Wu felt that he must find a better way to treat his kidney disease. He asked around, and finally, through the introduction of a friend, he learned about the Xiangxi Luodashu Shenkang Hospital, which specializes in the treatment of kidney disease, so he rushed from Henan to Xiangxi. Dean Luo Dashu understood his treatment process, and after conducting a series of examinations on Mr. Wu, he said that hydronephrosis could have avoided the need to remove the kidney. Mr. Wu now only has one kidney, and the situation is relatively dangerous, but fortunately, the degree of damage to this kidney is still recoverable.

Mr. Wu actively cooperated with President Luo Dashu’s treatment. During the hospitalization, he took some drugs to protect the kidneys and reduce creatinine. Two months later, Mr. Wu’s creatinine improved significantly, and there was no recurrence of the disease after several re-examinations. Mr. Wu said that he was very grateful to Xiangxi Luo Dashu Shenkang Hospital, President Luo Dashu and all the medical staff.

Luo Dashu reminded that if you want to prevent hydronephrosis, you should drink more water. Water can dilute the urine and prevent the metabolites in the body from forming water. In the diet, pay attention to avoid eating foods rich in oxalate, and also need to maintain a comprehensive balance of dietary nutrition, and appropriately increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and cellulose. Patients with hydronephrosis do not need to remove the kidney when it is not necessary, and can go to a regular medical institution for treatment.