When AIDS comes, there will be such “signals” on the skin. Do 4 things to prevent AIDS

Since the first AIDS patient was discovered in 1981, as of the end of 2017, there were 36.9 million people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. In 2017, my country reported 57,194 AIDS patients. Although the overall number of patients is not large, AIDS is still the infectious disease with the highest number of reported deaths. The situation is still grim, and enough attention should be paid to it.

Which skin abnormalities may signal AIDS?

Many AIDS patients have some skin abnormalities in the early stage, but they do not take it seriously, thus delaying the best treatment time. So understanding the skin symptoms of AIDS is critical.

1. Itchy and dry skin

Itchy and dry skin is also a common symptom of AIDS patients , dry erythema will appear on the skin, and then evolve into dry eczema. Take a look at your skin and be alert if there are small, scaly cracks that accompany itching, and skin debris falls off after scratching.

2. Prurigo p>

The vast majority of AIDS patients will develop prurigo in the early stage, manifested as relatively hard wheal-like nodules or papules. It grows one by one on the skin and is usually red. It is also accompanied by itching, the skin peels off after scratching, and the redness deepens.

3. Skin ulceration

If an AIDS patient develops an infectious skin disease, the skin There will be festering. After being infected with the AIDS virus, the immunity will be particularly low, and it is easy to get shingles, and it is disseminated shingles. This type of shingles will reach other parts of the body with the blood, and all parts of the body. There will be large patches of herpes.

How should I test if I suspect I have AIDS?

1. Saliva test

The saliva test is performed using a saliva test kit, which is the most convenient , is also the most hidden, and has a protective effect on privacy. The accuracy of this detection method is relatively high, and the accuracy rate can reach more than 90%. However, the premise is to detect in the correct method, otherwise the inspection results will be wrong.

2. Urine test

Urine test is the use of a urine test kit The test is more accurate than the saliva test. At present, many colleges and universities have set up vending machines for test kits. After the test, the test kits that need to be sent for inspection will also be vending machines, and professional personnel will collect them for testing. The results will be available in about a week and can be queried on the relevant website.

3. Go to CDC or medical institution for testing

If you want to know if you have AIDS, you can go to the local CDC or medical institution for testing. This is the most accurate testing method. If a positive test is detected by the above two detection methods in time, the third method needs to be used for the final test, so that the final diagnosis can be made.

What should I do if I am unfortunately infected with HIV?

1. Treat as soon as possible

Although there is no cure for AIDS at present, there are drugs that can control it. The disease, so after the detection of HIV infection, the first thing is to treat as soon as possible. By taking antiviral drugs, we can build up human immunity, relieve symptoms, let AIDS patients live like normal people, and prolong the life of AIDS patients.

2. Adjust your mentality p>

Many AIDS patients experience great psychological pressure after learning that they have AIDS. Some even resist the treatment, making the condition aggravate step by step. In fact, this approach is not advisable. If AIDS is actively and effectively treated, it often does not affect life expectancy. Grasp the present and live a positive and optimistic life is the most important thing to do.

How to prevent AIDS in daily life?

1. Rejecting a risky life

One of the main ways of spreading AIDS is between partners Propagation, so in life to reject the dangerous life. Keep yourself clean, don’t be in a partnership with multiple people, and bring a small umbrella in your married life.

2. Do not share personal items

You must know that blood transmission and close contact transmission are also the transmission methods of AIDS, so you should take care of your personal belongings in life, especially toothbrushes, razors, etc., and do not share with others. Share.

3. Refuse pornography, gambling, drugs

Have the right attitude in life Three views, do not contact pornography, gambling, drugs, prostitution, and drug use, which can effectively prevent AIDS.

4. Don’t use blood products without authorization

Blood transmission is one of the main transmission methods of AIDS, so don’t use it in your life Blood products. If there is a need in this regard, it should be used in a regular hospital under the guidance of a doctor.

Message from the doctor

AIDS is a There is currently no specific medicine for the most serious infectious disease. In life, we should pay attention to the prevention of AIDS, do not expose yourself to dangerous experiences, and keep yourself clean and protect yourself.

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