Do a digital rectal examination, or 80% of bowel cancers can be detected, why are you reluctant to do it?

Mr. Zhang, a 46-year-old middle school teacher, developed hemorrhoids many years ago, and at first only had anal defecation pain symptoms, which improved within a few days after adjusting the diet, and later developed to the point where medication was required to relieve the symptoms.

Many years have passed on and off, until last year, Mr. Zhang found that the hemorrhoids had become more serious, frequent blood in the stool< /strong>, which has affected his normal life, he had to have hemorrhoid surgery as a last resort.

However, the good times didn’t last long. Not long after the hemorrhoid surgery, the symptoms appeared again, and they were more severe than before.

Someone advised him to have a colonoscopy, but he heard that the colonoscopy was “not good” and never went. He did not go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination until the condition became more and more serious, and there were abnormal symptoms such as weight loss and general weakness. As a result, Mr. Zhang was diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer. He regrets it a lot. If he had a colonoscopy earlier, he might have a chance to save it…

one , Why many rectal cancers are misdiagnosed as “hemorrhoids”?

In the past 10 years, the number of new cases and deaths from colorectal cancer has doubled. In my country, the proportion of rectal cancer patients accounts for about 31% of the world. Some experts predict that if no active and effective action is taken, the incidence of rectal cancer may surpass the “big brother” lung cancer and top the list in the near future.

However, clinically, there are still many rectal cancer patients who mistakenly think that they have hemorrhoids, thus missing the best time for detection and treatment.

Data shows that the average misdiagnosis rate of early rectal cancer exceeds 50%, especially as dysentery, hemorrhoids and enteritis< /span>.

There may be three reasons for this. First, the symptoms of the disease are similar, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, etc.

Secondly, there is a lack of relevant hygiene knowledge. Even if the patient has bloody stools, they do not think it is related to rectal cancer, thinking it is indigestion or hemorrhoids. Basic knowledge is not solid, and it is prone to misdiagnosis.

Third, the physical examination is not in place. Anoscopy is not a routine examination item and is often overlooked in the physical examination. However, about 80% of rectal cancers can be found during anoscopy. .

Second, colon cancer or hemorrhoids? 3 differences to recognize

Rectal cancer is misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids with such a high probability, how should we distinguish it from hemorrhoids? Mainly look at the following points:

·different symptoms of blood in the stool

rectal cancer and hemorrhoids can be Causes blood in the stool, the difference is that the blood in the stool caused by rectal cancer is dark red in color, and the stool surface has a layer of mucus. The blood in the stool caused by hemorrhoids is bright red. The blood usually drips with the stool and does not mix with the stool

·Stool shape

Hemorrhoids generally do not affect the shape of stool, what should it be like? . But rectal cancer is different. Because rectal cancer is a solid tumor, the location is relatively fixed, and the texture is relatively hard, and it will continue to grow, blocking part of the rectum, causing the stool to become thinner, deformed, flat or grooved when it is discharged. .

·Bowel habits

Rectal cancer can cause increased bowel movements, anal bulge, Tenesmus, alternating diarrhea and constipation, difficult defecation and other symptoms, some patients will also be accompanied by abdominal distension, abdominal pain, hemorrhoids rarely have the above symptoms, the more common is prolapse of the anus, you should learn to distinguish.

Third, digital rectal examination can detect 80% of bowel cancer, why are you unwilling to do it ?

For rectal cancer, the early detection and early treatment, the greater the hope of cure. So, when an abnormality is found, what kind of inspection can be carried out to detect rectal cancer in time?

The easiest and most effective method is digital anus examination. Clinically, digital anal examination can identify 75%-80% of bowel cancers.

A healthy rectum is smooth and soft; an unhealthy rectum is raised, stiff, and bleeding. Therefore, through digital anal examination, rectal abnormalities can be found, such as hemorrhoids, anal fistula, anal fissure disease, rectal cancer and other anal and perianal related diseases, so that appropriate intervention measures can be taken.

Some people may feel embarrassed, terrified, and reluctant to do it when they think of a digital anal exam. In fact, there is no exaggeration in the legend. It can be done in minutes, it’s simple and easy, and it doesn’t need to be too scary.

Source: Health Times

Of course, digital rectal examination is not a panacea. After abnormality is found, colonoscopy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Example For example, early hemorrhoids feel like a soft mass. If the internal hemorrhoids are not prolapsed, the diagnosis cannot be confirmed by touch. If the internal hemorrhoids form, they are solid nodules to the touch, and it is difficult to judge whether they are caused by digital examination. Tumors need to be further confirmed by other inspection methods such as colonoscopy.

Fourth, the late survival rate is low, and 9 types of high-risk groups should be vigilant

Zhongshan Ren Donglin, chief expert of anorectal surgery at the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of the University pointed out that the 5-year survival rate of colorectal cancer in China is not high. But it is not a problem of the level of treatment, it is mainly related to the lack of early cases. Because 90% of patients with rectal cancer are diagnosed It was already in the middle and late stages.

Yang Yufei, Director of the Oncology Department of Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesIntroduced that in the past 20 years, colorectal cancer in the United States Cancer incidence has dropped by nearly 40%, and mortality has dropped by 51%. This is mainly due to tertiary prevention. 35% of patients have primary prevention, and more than half have early screening. p>

However, the incidence of gastrointestinal tumors in China is increasing year by year. Therefore, experts call for everyone to pay attention to intestinal health issues, to recognize the importance of early screening of colorectal cancer as soon as possible, and to achieve Early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment.

Especially for 9 high-risk groups Say, to regularly screen, keep a close eye on your physical condition, and detect abnormalities in time:

  1. Have a family history of bowel cancer
  2. < span>History of cancer or intestinal adenomas or polyps
  3. fecal occult blood test
  4. Recent changes in bowel habits and stool shape
  5. long-term chronic mental stimulation< /li>
  6. suffering from gallstones
  7. suffering from chronic appendicitis
  8. frequent mucus and bloody stools< /span>
  9. Constipation and diarrhea often occur alternately

If you have the above and are over the age of 45 People with colorectal cancer are recommended to do a colorectal cancer screening every year, just in case.

For individuals, we must pay attention to the body’s signals and seek medical attention in time. In addition to developing healthy living habits, it is necessary to learn more about cancer, learn to distinguish hemorrhoids from rectal cancer, and have regular physical examinations to reduce risks and achieve a healthy life.


[1] “Taking colon cancer as hemorrhoids, how many lives wasted! Remember these points to distinguish between colon cancer and hemorrhoids! ” .Health Times. 2021-04-08

[2]”This simple test can detect 80% of bowel cancers, and many people are reluctant to do it! “. Health Times. 2020-01-08

[3]” These 9 types of people are high-risk groups of colorectal cancer, screening and treatment should go to these authoritative hospitals! “. Health Times. 2018-04-16

[4]”The incidence of colorectal cancer has been rising year after year, these bad habits are unacceptable! Many people are still in the dark…”. Popular Science China. 2021-05-03

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