Olive oil, which is sought after by young people, is actually just an old routine for merchants to fool your wallet

I don’t know when olive oil has become a symbol of healthy living in the new era.

According to the propaganda of many businesses, olive oil is a vegetable oil made from fresh olive fruit and then cold-pressed. There is no chemical treatment or heating process.

As a result, many people often refer to it as “liquid gold”.

Because of its own halo, various magical effects have also been blown into the sky in the business model. It is also a very decent gift for the juniors to carry these two bottles of filial piety during the festivals.

What’s so good about olive oil?

Olive oil is obtained by pressing olives and is a vegetable oil, so it contains these advantages:

First, high in unsaturated fatty acids

Olive oil contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, and olive oil has a high content of oleic acid, and unsaturated fatty acids reduce the viscosity of platelets in the blood, which is more advantageous than animal fats.

Second, contains vitamin E and other polyphenolic compounds

In cold-pressed olive oil, these components are relatively high and are generally considered to have antioxidant properties. The primary cold-pressed oil contains other impurities, so it does not taste the same as other vegetable oils.

But these advantages, other vegetable oils also have.

Can olive oil improve digestion?

In many business propaganda, olive oil contains a lot of carotene and unsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil does not contain cholesterol, which is easily absorbed by the human body and has a certain improvement effect on the human digestive system.

But in fact, olive oil does not contain cholesterol, and other vegetable oils also exist, so this is not an advantage of olive oil.

In addition, some businesses also say that olive oil can stimulate bile secretion in the human body, and has the effect of preventing gallstones and cholecystitis. But in fact, if it really works, why bother with stone surgery? Come straight to the sea and drink a big bottle of olive oil!

Can olive oil fight aging?

Some businesses also claim that olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin K, which can eliminate fine wrinkles on the skin.

But in fact, there is nothing that will make you old when you eat it. If there is, it is Tang Haorou.

Olive oil is not the best combination for stir-frying

Because the oil point of olive oil is not high, the antioxidant components in it are easily destroyed when cooking at high temperature, thus losing the nutritional advantage of cold-pressed olive oil that “may exist”.

And if you use refined olive oil, it is actually similar to other refined vegetable oils. Most of the antioxidants and aroma components have been removed, and it is no different from other vegetable oils for cooking. the difference.

Therefore, usually in daily life, you can use olive oil to make some cold food. The cold food made with olive oil tastes very good, and the nutrients will not be lost.

For example, make some salad salads, or use it for cold shrimps, etc. These salad dishes made with olive oil will supplement nutrients and increase appetite.

Of course, you can also use it for stir-frying, but this is like using Moutai as cooking wine, using LV to serve vegetables, and driving a Ferrari.The same is true for takeout, as long as you like it, it’s not a big problem.

Can olive oil reduce coronary heart disease?

Many businesses define olive oil as “the most suitable nutrition for the human body” and claim that a US study found that eating olive oil can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

But in fact, we can find from historical data that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of olive oil in 2004, and there is a mark like this:

“Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence shows that olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, so eating two tablespoons (23 grams) of olive oil a day may help reduce coronary heart disease risk Risk. To obtain this possible benefit, olive oil needs to be used to replace a similar amount of saturated fat without increasing calorie intake throughout the day.”

means: replace 23 grams of daily fat intake with olive oil, and the total amount of food eaten per day remains the same, can effectively reduce The occurrence of coronary heart disease.

That is to say: You can’t eat more, just replace part of the fat intake with olive oil, and only reduce the occurrence, and will not prevent it from happening.

In addition, the article also emphasizes “limited rather than conclusive”, the consciousness is not yet certain, just a guess.

Just because of such a sentence, it can be “referred to as a horse” by the merchants, and I have to admire it!

So, in a word, olive oil can be eaten, but if it is used as a health care artifact, then forget it!