Eating bananas is inconvenient, but the more you eat, the more you get stuck? These 6 foods can really help you have a smooth bowel movement

When it comes to foods for constipation, bananas immediately come to mind. In the consciousness of many people, eating more bananas can promote gastrointestinal motility, laxative bowel movements, and improve constipation problems. However, some people eat bananas every day, but they are still constipated. What is going on?

Why is eating bananas every day or constipation?

Only ripe bananas can laxative. Ripe bananas contain soluble dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and have a laxative effect. However, the raw banana pulp is hard and contains too much tannic acid, which has astringent effect, which can inhibit the secretion of gastrointestinal fluid, disturb the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, and cause the feces to be dry and hard to be discharged, which further aggravates the problem of constipation.

Which foods are truly laxative?

1. Coffee

People with frequent constipation can drink 1~2 cups of coffee, which contains caffeine It can stimulate the nervous system, or trigger a hormonal response that promotes colon contractions, thereby relieving constipation.

2, fruit with seeds

The common fruits with seeds are kiwi, strawberry and dragon fruit, which contain fibrous substances, which can help gastrointestinal motility and facilitate defecation.

3. Oatmeal

100 grams of oat contains 10.1 grams of soluble dietary fiber, so Constipated people can drink more oatmeal, which can increase the volume of stool and relieve constipation.

4. Prunes

Prunes contain sorbitol, which is a It will not be digested and absorbed by the intestinal tract; at the same time, it has strong permeability and can have a laxative effect.

5, celery

Celery is rich in dietary fiber, which can help laxatives; there are also good choices for cabbage, spinach, mushrooms and cauliflower.

6. Avocado

Some people’s constipation is related to lack of fat in the body. Contains monounsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, can help laxative.

How to solve the problem of constipation?

1. Regular diet

Achieving regular and quantitative meals three times a day; Eat slowly when you eat; focus on foods containing dietary fiber, especially mushrooms, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and potatoes. At the same time, you should drink plenty of water, and the daily amount of water should not be less than 2000 ml.

2. Cultivate the habit of regular bowel movements

Every morning after waking up and after eating 2 hours, the intestinal activity is more active, so drink a cup of warm water or honey water after getting up in the morning. No matter whether you want to defecate or not, you have to go to the toilet and squat for a long time, and you can generate a conditioned reflex for a long time.

3, multi-sport

Sedentary time and lack of exercise can affect gastrointestinal motility, resulting in constipation. Therefore, you should sit less and move more, 4 to 5 times a week for more than 30 minutes of exercise, such as cycling, brisk walking, swimming or aerobics, etc. Proper abdominal massage, and occasional levator exercises can help improve Constipation problem.

Message from the doctor

After the above understanding, raw bananas cannot relieve the problem of constipation at all, and it is necessary to choose ripe bananas. Put the purchased bananas in a ventilated and cool place, and store them until the skin of the bananas is pitted, but ensure that the pulp is not rotted, and eat 1-2 pieces a day. In addition, it is not possible to completely reject oil, and the lack of fat in the body cannot lubricate the intestines, resulting in difficulty in defecation. Therefore, constipation patients should eat sesame oil or olive oil appropriately.

The diet should not be too refined, and the proportion of coarse grains in the staple food should be increased, such as oats and corn And sorghum, etc., the dietary fiber contained in it can expand the volume of stool, facilitate gastrointestinal motility, and help relieve constipation. At the same time, you should learn to reduce stress, because too much stress can also induce or aggravate constipation.

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