Elderly people who change their joints and learn to walk get a new life

Palm Huaihua News (Correspondent Huang Xiang) “Come on, let’s move the walker forward first, then lift the left foot, take a step forward, then lift the right foot and walk forward, pay attention to both feet Open it up and go!” For the past few days, in the ward of the first ward of the Orthopaedic Injury Center of Huaihua Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, such a voice can always be heard. Whenever this happens, everyone knows that Grandma Zhou is learning to walk again!

Grandma Zhou is 84 years old. One night in early February, she accidentally fell when she got up to go to the toilet. Severe pain in the hip, unable to stand, and no obvious relief after rest, her family immediately sent her to the hospital for treatment. Complete related examinations suggested a left femoral neck fracture.

The medical team in the ward immediately conducted a detailed assessment of Grandma Zhou’s condition. After communicating with the family, it was unanimously decided to perform surgery. Considering the patient’s advanced age, poor physical condition, and poor cardiopulmonary function, there is a certain risk of surgery. For the actual situation of degraded physical function, poor ability to tolerate surgery, and slow recovery after trauma, comprehensively study and judge the risks of surgery and anesthesia, formulate complete personalized surgery and anesthesia plans and detailed emergency plans, and fully prepare for surgery.

On February 9, under the escort of the Department of Anesthesiology, the team from the ward of the Orthopaedic Injury Center performed artificial hemiarthroplasty for the left femoral neck fracture for Grandma Zhou, and the operation went very smoothly.

In order to make the elderly recover better and faster, the medical staff in the ward attaches great importance to and strengthens perioperative treatment and nursing, and provides intervention measures such as skin care, nutritional guidance, thrombosis prevention for Grandma Zhou, and instructs Grandma Zhou. Perform functional exercises as much as you can.

After more than half a month of careful treatment and care, on February 26, Grandma Zhou recovered and was discharged from the hospital. Come with two pennants to express our gratitude to the medical staff.

“People often don’t care much about wrestling. They say that children grow up by falling; but for the elderly, a casual fall may be life-threatening.” Wu Yuyuan introduced that the elderly wrestling can easily cause hip fracture, which is also known as “the last fracture in life”, because long-term bed rest after the fracture will cause complications such as hypostatic pneumonia, bedsores, and deep vein thrombosis. life threatening. Experts remind that once such a fracture occurs, please seek medical attention in time.