How can a child with cerebral palsy be diagnosed? When the following points occur, see a doctor as soon as possible

When it comes to cerebral palsy, many people think of mental retardation. But in fact, cerebral palsy does not mean mental retardation. Some children with cerebral palsy have the same intelligence as normal people. The reason why they behave like mental retardation is mainly because many of their behaviors are not controlled by the brain.

Of course, cerebral palsy is not incurable. If most children with cerebral palsy can be detected early and effectively intervened, the prognosis will be very good.

The main reason why many children with cerebral palsy are getting more and more serious and affecting their children’s life is that many parents do not really understand cerebral palsy.

What is cerebral palsy in children?

Cerebral palsy, also known as cerebral palsy, refers to severe brain damage in a developing fetus or infant due to various causes.

In our country, one in every 500 children has cerebral palsy, which is one of the main diseases of childhood disability.

What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy in children?

Many people tend to understand cerebral palsy as mental retardation. In fact, whether accompanied by intellectual disability is related to the etiology of cerebral palsy, and if early intervention, the loss of brain cells will be relatively light, and intelligence will not appear. Obviously abnormal.

The main symptoms of children with cerebral palsy are movement disorders, including motor retardation, abnormal muscle tone, abnormal posture, abnormal nerve reflexes, such as: p>

Lagging motor development: The child is significantly behind children of the same age in various motor abilities, including lifting, turning over, crawling, standing, walking, grasping and other behaviors.

Abnormal muscle tone: The child’s muscle tone is increased or low, causing the child’s limb stiffness or weakness, and most children will show increased muscle tone.

Abnormal posture: Abnormal posture is the most prominent manifestation of children with cerebral palsy. The wrist and knee joints are flexed, and they walk in a scissors-like gait, and the arm swings are not controlled by the will.

Abnormal nerve reflexes: When tapping a part of the body, the corresponding limb movements cannot be made in time.

What are the dangers of cerebral palsy in children?

The harm of cerebral palsy is very great. If it is not treated in time, in addition to affecting the normal behavior and movement of children, it may also cause mental retardation, epilepsy, speech and hearing impairment, and mental and behavioral disorders. Wait.

How to detect children with cerebral palsy in time?

In order to detect cerebral palsy in time, it is necessary to first know how cerebral palsy is caused in children. Only when the causative factors are clear, can we detect and intervene in time.

There are many pathogenic factors for cerebral palsy. According to statistics, there are three types of pathogenic factors according to the time of occurrence of the disease:

Prenatal factors: Abnormal conditions such as multiple pregnancy, maternal malnutrition, gestational hypertension, and gestational infection can be considered risk factors.

Factors at birth: hypoxia asphyxia or mechanical injury, such as fetal hypoxia and brain tissue contusion caused by dystocia.

Postnatal factors: risk factors for premature birth, postnatal bilirubin encephalopathy, central nervous system infection, etc.

Children with cerebral palsy often have the above pathogenic factors, but the above pathogenic factors do not necessarily lead to the occurrence of cerebral palsy.

When a newborn with high-risk factors is present, parents must take the initiative to consult a doctor, and take appropriate intervention measures after the pediatrician assesses the risk.

Children who do not have the above risk factors need to observe more during feeding and pay attention to the child’s condition at any time. When crying and other manifestations, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time, so as to achieve early diagnosis and early treatment.

How is cerebral palsy treated in children?

Don’t despair when your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Infants and young children have the fastest brain development and the strongest plasticity before the age of 2. If brain cells are repaired in a timely manner during this time, the prognosis of the disease can be maximized.

Currently, the main treatments for cerebral palsy are a combination of functional training, surgery, and drugs.

Functional training: It is the main treatment method for children with cerebral palsy, mainly including physical training, skill training and language training.

Physical training is the training of most movements of the child’s body, such as sitting, rolling over, and crawling. Use mechanical and physical means to train children with abnormal postures and induce their normal motor development.

Skill training is to train the function of the upper and lower limbs of the child, and improve the child’s self-care ability.

Language training is to train children to speak, chew, swallow and other functions, so as to relieve children’s language barriers. Of course, if there are hearing and visual impairments, timely training is also required.

Surgery: The purpose of surgical treatment is to correct the deformity of children with cerebral palsy, and it is mainly used in the treatment of children with spastic cerebral palsy.

Drugs: There is currently no specific drug for cerebral palsy, and drug therapy is also aimed at treating some of the symptoms of children.

Cerebral palsy treatment is a long-term process, and most treatments also require parents to carry out rehabilitation training for children on a daily basis. Therefore, parents must have confidence and patience, master relevant treatment methods, and insist on treating patients with long-term treatment for children.

Can children with cerebral palsy be prevented?

There are many pathogenic factors for cerebral palsy, and some children with cerebral palsy have no obvious cause. However, if we can ensure that pregnant women have reasonable nutrition during pregnancy, prevent infection, and eliminate bad habits, Reducing the use of drugs and regular obstetric examinations can minimize the incidence of many diseases in the fetus, including cerebral palsy.