Menstrual irregularity has come up with a new standard, come and check it~

Menstruation, sisters are all familiar, big aunt, family!

In layman’s terms, menstruation is the period when the lining of the uterus periodically proliferates and sheds, and is flushed out together with blood.

But the formation of menstruation is actually regulated by endocrine, especially the estrogen secreted by the ovary. Therefore, menstruation is a barometer of women’s health.

Irregular menstruation may indicate a condition or disease in some aspect of the body. Today, Enge said:

The latest guidelines for irregular menstruation

What harm does irregular menstruation do to the body?

Irregular menstruation, do I need to see a doctor?

Do six points to help you stay away from irregular menstruation

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Part 1

Irregular menstruation, the guide has new standards

Irregular menstruation is not your own blind judgment , Medical guidelines have normal menstrual standards, four dimensions, let’s take a look first.

First, the menstrual cycle. The time interval between the first day of two adjacent menstrual periods is called a cycle. The latest standard: 24 to 38 days, which are normal.

Second, the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Generally, the number of days of change in the cycle should not exceed 7 or 8 days, which is acceptable.

Combining the first and second points, that is to say, if your menstrual cycle is 24 days for a while and 38 days for a while, it is abnormal.

But it is normal if your menstrual cycle is consistently short, 24 days, or consistently long, 38 days.

Third, the length of the menstrual period. The guide says less than or equal to 8 days. However, Brother En still felt that if there was only one day, it would be too little.

Fourth, the amount of menstruation. This amount is in terms of a whole cycle.

The previous standard is 5-80 ml, and 5 ml is the amount of a mineral water bottle cap.

Now the standard is simpler, there is no deliberate emphasis on how many milliliters, mainly compared with the previous menstrual volume.

If it is obviously more than the original, it is too much; if it is obviously less than the original, it is too little.

Of course, there are some relatively objective evaluation criteria for menorrhagia, such as menstrual blood rushing like a faucet turned on, pale and fatigued, or even fainting.

No. 2

What harm does irregular menstruation do to the body?

First of all, irregular menstruation itself is actually not too harmful.

Unless the menstrual flow is particularly heavy, causing anemia and shock, it will be harmful to the body.

Or if the menstrual period is very long, and the procrastination for ten or twenty days is not clean, it may easily cause infection and cause inflammation.

Secondly, the greatest harm of irregular menstruation comes from the cause of irregular menstruation, which is the key.

What are the causes of irregular menstruation? If you follow the guidelines, you can divide the causes of irregular menstruation into nine categories.

There are four main categories of structural changes, these diseases are relatively easy to understand, because you know it appears when you see the name What kind of changes:

First, endometrial polyps;

Second, uterine fibroids;

Third, adenomyosis;< /p>

Fourth, endometrial hyperplasia or cancer.

There are five other categories with no clear structural changes:

First, coagulation dysfunction. It may be related to blood diseases or diseases with changes in coagulation;

Second, ovulation dysfunction caused by endocrine problems. There are various reasons, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause, puberty, and emotional stress, or excessive weight loss, excessive exercise, or abnormal thyroid function, etc.;

Third, lesions on the endometrium. This is different from endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer mentioned above. It cannot find clear endometrial changes, which may be related to changes in local hemolytic factors or cytokines in the endometrial, or endometrial inflammation, which can also cause Irregular menstruation.

Fourth, iatrogenic irregular menstruation. For example, a doctor prescribes hormonal drugs, or an IUD containing hormonal ingredients, which may cause ticking bleeding.

The last category, other. Those that cannot be classified into the above 8 types are placed in this category. The most common is a cesarean section diverticulum.

Therefore, there are nine major causes of irregular menstruation, compare them one by one to see what may be the cause.

Chapter 3

Irregular menstruation, should I see a doctor?

Strictly speaking, irregular menstruation is a clinical manifestation, not a disease itself.

Therefore, if you have irregular menstrual periods once in a while and return to normal at other times, it doesn’t matter, it may be just some accidental factors, and it does not affect your health, so you don’t need to see a doctor.

However, if you have irregular menstruation for more than two or three months in a row, you should go to the hospital to investigate the cause.

Or there are some emergencies, such as sudden heavy bleeding, pale face, fainting, or abdominal pain that cannot be relieved by rest, so go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Rule 4

Do six points to help you stay away from irregular menstruation

Although irregular menstruation is not a serious disease in many cases, it still has an impact on life, especially when menorrhagia is too long, it is very annoying.

Here, Enge shares six points, take precautions in life, and let everyone stay away from irregular menstruation as much as possible.

First, don’t stress too much, don’t fluctuate too violently, and find someone to talk to at the right time Or seek the help of a psychiatrist.

Second, eat a healthy and reasonable diet, eat three meals on time, and eat a variety of foods.

Eat as little or no high-calorie and high-fat foods as possible. Food, including potato chips, French fries, milk tea, fried food, chocolate cake… (Is it killing you?) It is probably unrealistic to not eat it at all, so try to eat it as little as possible.

If Women with heavy menstrual periods have a little bit of anemia, so they can eat some foods such as animal liver, blood products or red meat for iron supplementation.

Third, keep regular and moderate exercise habits every week For 4-5 days, exercise for more than half an hour every day, sweat a little bit, and don’t overdo it, otherwise it may affect the endocrine, but affect menstruation.

Fourth, control your weight. In fact, it is the second and third The combination of points: diet + exercise. Overweight is definitely not good, and being too thin is not good for health. I hope everyone’s BMI index is between 19 and 24.

Fifth, regular work and rest, try not to stay up late, of course It doesn’t mean that you don’t have to go to bed before 10 o’clock every day. If you are used to going to bed at 12 o’clock every day, you can. The key is to have regularity. And it is best to have seven or eight hours of sleep.

The last point is scientific contraception. For example, using condoms throughout the process does not interfere with endocrine. Or short-acting contraceptives are also a good contraceptive measure, which also has a protective effect on endocrine.

It is not recommended that you use The emergency contraceptive pill is regarded as a routine contraceptive method, it has too much disruption to the endocrine, and the contraceptive failure rate is high.

Not to mention non-contraception or random contraception, if you have an unintended pregnancy and an abortion, then It’s a devastating blow to the body, especially the reproductive system.


So sisters , take care of yourself, protect menstruation,

Prevent menstrual disorders, starting from daily life,

If you have irregular menstruation problems, you can also come to Enge.


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