Men don’t want kidney damage, stay away from these 5 behaviors, which may prevent kidney damage

As we all know, the kidneys are one of the most indispensable organs in the human body because they produce urine and help eliminate waste products from metabolism.

At the same time, the kidney also has an endocrine function, which can secrete a variety of hormones and biologically active substances such as erythropoietin renin and prostaglandins, thereby helping to maintain the balance of the internal environment.

Not only that, for men, the kidneys are also the basis for maintaining sexual performance. Once they are injured, sexual dysfunction may occur in severe cases.

So in order to prevent problems before they occur, male friends must stay away from the following five behaviors on weekdays, which may prevent the gradual deterioration of the kidneys.

1. Stay up late frequently< /p>

When it comes to actions that hurt the kidneys, staying up late is on the list, because the night itself is the stage of recuperation and detoxification of various tissues and organs of the human body;

If you don’t go to sleep , each organ must work overtime, if there is no rest in the long run, there will be a problem of functional decline.

Especially the kidneys. When the kidneys cannot be cultivated in time, the kidney qi will gradually lose, which will not only affect the efficiency of work and study the next day, but also may cause symptoms such as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, and physical weakness.

2. Holding back the urine

Survey data I found that some office workers usually develop the habit of holding back their urine. Every time they want to urinate, they are always troubled by complicated work and trivial matters. Although it has little effect on the body in a short period of time, uh, if these actions are frequent, It will damage the kidneys to some extent.

After all, urine contains a lot of bacteria and toxins, which will not only return to the bladder when holding back urine, but also will enter the kidneys through the ureter, Urinary tract infection can develop over time and cause irreversible damage to the kidneys.

3. Long-term sedentary

long-term Sitting for a long time is actually something that office workers and student parties do every day. Although this behavior seems to be very labor-saving, when sitting for a long time, it will press on the bladder, making the bladder meridian Qi and blood unable to function normally.

In addition, TCM believes that the bladder meridian and the kidney meridian influence each other. Once the bladder is damaged, it will also lead to abnormal kidney function. Therefore, during work and study, every 1 hour Get up and move your limbs as much as possible.

4. Heavy food

For Young people prefer high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt and other heavy-tasting foods, but everyone does not know that a large part of the hydrochloric acid in the diet needs to be metabolized by the kidneys;

And if you often eat too salty, it will naturally affect the function of kidney metabolism. Under normal circumstances, the total daily salt intake for adults should not exceed six grams.

In addition, although foods such as big fish and big meat are rich in protein, if you eat too much, the metabolized products will increase the burden on the kidneys, making it always in a state of overloaded operation .

5. Too little water

The kidneys are one of the organs that carry out metabolism. They need to receive about one to two kilograms of blood per minute to help the human body filter and metabolize waste.

Only when the water intake is sufficient can it dilute the urine, prevent damage to the kidneys, and allow the urine to be excreted quickly.

All in all, after reading the above content, we also know the importance of kidneys to the human body, especially For men, the kidney is also related to sexual performance, so it is better to protect it on weekdays and avoid doing the five things mentioned above.

In addition, Once you have symptoms such as abnormal urination, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, please go to the hospital for inspection as soon as possible to see if the kidneys are damaged.