After the age of 60, pay attention to the abnormality of the body and prevent diseases in order to enjoy the old age

When Hua Zi was chatting with friends, he found that people around 60 years old always have a feeling of “heroes in old age”. Many people think that they have become old people with various organs of the body. Problems also began to appear, and I was full of confusion about the future life.

Hua Zihui advises these elderly friends that 60 years old is not old. According to the classification of the World Health Organization, 60 to 74 years old are young and old, which is the “golden stage” in life. At this time, life experience reaches its peak, and after retirement, time and money are relatively rich, and it is a stage with a strong sense of happiness.

However, at this stage, we should pay attention to the abnormality of the body and prevent diseases in order to enjoy a happy life.

One, don’t make yourself fat

With age, the body’s basal metabolism gradually decreases, and many people begin to gain weight. And obesity is the “hotbed” of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases. Therefore, people over 60 years old must actively control their weight.

Controlling your weight is primarily about “eating”. In the diet, try to choose vegetables and whole grains with more dietary fiber, which can not only have a feeling of satiety, but also lower the calorie intake.

It should be noted that exercise is “icing on the cake” for weight loss. It can shape the body and improve cardiopulmonary function, but weight loss mainly depends on keeping your mouth shut.

2. Active screening for cancer prevention

Elderly people are a group with a high risk of cancer and should be careful. It’s important to note, however, that cancer cannot wait for symptoms to appear before treatment. Because most cancers are in the middle and late stages when obvious symptoms appear. At this time, the opportunity for surgery may be lost, and even if the cost is huge, it is difficult to cure. Some families may even be “empty of money and manpower” because of the treatment of cancer.

Therefore, cancer prevention requires proactive screening. Generally, inspections are required once a year.

Lung cancer is the cancer with the highest incidence, and it is recommended to use low-dose spiral CT for screening; CT and tumor marker tests can screen liver cancer; gastroscopy and colonoscopy can screen for digestive system cancers Check; color Doppler ultrasound can screen for thyroid cancer; men need prostate-specific antigen test to screen for prostate cancer; women need mammography to screen for breast cancer, and cervical smear to screen for cervical cancer.

Three, pay attention to the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the number one cause of death in our country, and the causes of the disease are related to hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, smoking, obesity and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to check regularly and pay attention to the changes of various values. If any abnormality is found, it is necessary to intervene in time.

Everyone must understand that abnormal blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood sugar are not terrible. It is the concurrent diseases caused by these indicators that are uncontrolled for a long time, which threatens health. As long as the relevant indicators can be controlled with drugs, they are considered healthy people.

The diet should be low in salt (3-5 grams per day), low in fat (no more than 25 grams per day), and low in sugar (no more than 50 grams of added sugar per day), quit smoking and limit alcohol, and insist on Regular exercise and maintaining an optimistic attitude will help protect the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular.

Four, several common cases of leg pain

Older people are prone to leg pain. If the pain is in heavy-bearing joints such as knees and hips, it may be degenerative osteoarthritis. Need more rest and less activity to recuperate.

If you experience cramp-like pain in bones and muscles, it may be caused by calcium deficiency osteoporosis, and calcium and vitamin D need to be supplemented.

If you experience muscle soreness and fatigue while taking statins or sartans, it may be a adverse reaction to the drugs. It is recommended to check the creatine kinase (CK) value, and if there is an abnormal increase, the drug needs to be discontinued.

Five, pay attention to changes in sleep patterns

The sleep pattern of the elderly will change. Many people fall asleep very early, and as a result, they wake up in the early morning and can no longer fall asleep. Some people have difficulty falling asleep and insomnia. affect mental state.

It is recommended that the elderly should develop good sleep habits, and not take too long naps during the day, and control it to 30 to 60 minutes. Do not play with mobile phones or computers before going to bed, and do not exercise vigorously within 2 hours before going to bed.

If you have sleep disorders caused by anxiety or depression, you must seek medical help in time for regular treatment.

To sum up, 60-year-olds are not really old people, they are the easiest stage of life to achieve happiness. As long as you pay more attention to physical abnormalities, regular physical examinations, and prevent the occurrence of diseases, you can enjoy a happy life. I am Huazi, a pharmacist. Welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.