If you stick to tiptoe for a long time, your body will reap these 3 benefits and quickly improve the strength of your calf muscles

To tiptoe, actually prop up the entire body with the soles of the forefoot, while the heels hang in the air.

If it is continuous dynamic training with ups and downs, this is the “calf raise training” in strength training.

If you always keep your heels up, this is static strength training for your feet and is often classified as a regimen, similar to wearing high heels.

What are the benefits of tiptoeing so often?

1. Strengthen calf muscle strength and muscle circumference

Modern people often have the habit of sedentary, Not only will it cause lower back pain, but the entire lower extremity muscles are always in a relaxed state.

If it goes on for a long time, it will cause the muscles of the legs to decrease, the calf will become thinner, the pressure on the ankle will increase when walking, and the ankle will be sprained if you are not careful.

When standing on tiptoe, the calf gastrocnemius muscle can be fully contracted by the standing method;

You can also train by adding weights.

Holding dumbbells in both hands and doing tiptoes in a standing position, this is standing tiptoe.

In a seated position, place a barbell or dumbbell on the front of your thighs. This is a seated tiptoe.

These two movements can further strengthen the circumference of the calf muscles, increase the thickness of the calf, and increase the line of the calf, which is more suitable for strength trainers.

2. Strengthen body balance

In ballet and folk dance, there will be various rotating movements, which need to be updated at this time. More toe strength to support the body.

For the general population, although we don’t usually dance, we stand and walk every day and need both feet to stabilize the body’s center of gravity.

In daily walking, the heel usually touches the ground first and then goes over to the forefoot.

Even when it comes to running training, many trainers also use this method, because the heel landing method is the most labor-saving and easiest.

But this landing method has a big disadvantage: Long-term use of the heel first will put more pressure on the knee.

If you seldom train, the muscles of the lower limbs are very weak, which will also cause wear and tear to the joints of the lower limbs, especially when running.

Training the tiptoe movement will allow you to adapt to the way you land with the forefoot and further strengthen the grip of the forefoot. When walking, there is no “mopping” phenomenon, and it also reduces the risk of knee and ankle injuries.

3. Enhance ankle mobility

Some trainers are very Problems such as difficulty in squatting, heel lift, and excessive forward leaning are prone to occur.

In addition to the lack of leg strength, the more important reason is the lack of ankle mobility. If you still have flat feet, the entire sole of the foot is flat, and the arch of the foot cannot support the body, this problem will be more obvious.

Forcibly doing a squat will either bend your entire back, or get overwhelmed by the barbell, and easily sprain your ankles.

At this time, when training on tiptoes in a sitting position, you can warm up the calf first and let the ankle move up and down, not only the top calf will be During the contraction process, the calf can also be stretched during the return process.

With some leg stretches, the flexibility of the ankle can be strengthened, so that the squat range can be increased, from half squat to full squat, leaning over and flexing the hip angle It can also be maintained at a normal angle, and the entire sole of the foot can be supported on the ground.

Reference training plan:

Toe-toeing is actually calf-raising training, but it is divided into dynamic training and static training, and dynamic training is usually selected.

For people who have been sedentary for a long time, you can choose to do 4 sets*15 times with standing on tiptoes, sitting on your toes. Do 4 sets of 16 times on tiptoe.

For strength trainers, you can choose weight-bearing exercises, do 5 sets * 12 times with dumbbells on tiptoe, and do 5 sets * 15 times on tiptoe in sitting position.

Increase ankle mobility, also choose freehand movements, sit on tiptoe and do 4 sets of 20 times.

If you want to dance or keep fit, then choose static training and do 10 sets*40 seconds while standing on tiptoe.

It is recommended to train once every other day. After each exercise, stretch the calf muscles by hooking the toes.

What are you waiting for, hurry up and practice——Yumi AI Fitness