How can strength training be considered in place? The body has these 3 performances, and it is about to have a muscular body

For strength training, everyone will go through the rookie period, the rookie transition period, the advanced period, the intermediate trainer, the bottleneck period, and finally become a master.

The whole process is very long, some people can build muscle in as little as 2 years, and some people take 5-8 years to have perfect muscle lines.

After 3-6 months of training, some people always feel that they are not good enough and stay in place.

So someone will ask: How does strength training really work?

1. Muscle strength is obvious

Usually we divide the whole body into multiple muscles for training, including large muscle groups and small muscle groups.

On the surface, it is a separate part, but in fact many movements are multi-joint movement patterns.

For example, bench press requires the use of arms, shoulders and upper back muscles to work together to complete the training, but the key target muscle group is still the chest muscles .

If your triceps are prematurely exhausted and your shoulders feel sore and swollen during the training process, it means that there is a problem with your movements. It may be that the grip distance is too narrow, the movement trajectory is straight up and down, and the shoulder blades are not due to sufficient tightening and other reasons.

If you feel a noticeable stretch in the bottom of the pectoral muscles when you lower the barbell, when the barbell is pushed up, the pectoral muscles on both sides contract inward again.

During the whole process, you can always feel the power of your chest muscles, which shows that your training action standard is well done.

2. The effect of muscle pump is obvious

No matter which muscle you train, you need to achieve a certain amount of training, which includes: the number of movements, the weight used , number of training sets, number of training sessions, interval duration, training duration, etc.

For example, to train back muscles, set 6 movements, then use different weights, and do 4-5 sets*10-15 for each movement times, with 30 seconds and 60 seconds of rest between each set of movements and each movement, respectively, and the total training time is set between 60-90 minutes.

If after training, you find that your back muscles feel nothing and are not very tired after training, and you can return to normal after a short rest, it means that your training volume is not enough.

If in the training process, every movement can experience the peak contraction of the back muscles.

When doing heavy weight training such as deadlifts and rowing, I feel short of breath, my forearms are about to fail, the grip strength of both hands is declining, and I’m almost exhausted. The last movement is very tiring with light weights. Experience the pumping effect of the back muscles, indicating that your training effect is in place.

3. Muscle soreness is obvious

Strength training normally goes through three stages of “warm-up training, formal training and stretching and relaxation”.

The previous light weight exercises are all warm-up exercises, the purpose is to activate the muscle groups of the whole body, but also to move the joints, so that the body warms up faster, This will lead to the next stage of formal training.

If in the formal training, every movement is very easy, the training speed is very fast, you can feel exhausted at the time, but there is no feeling after the end, it means that your training has reservations.

If in formal training, each movement can be exhausted, and the muscle contraction and stretching are very obvious, then in training Muscle soreness is already there.

After 12-24 hours of rest, this feeling will be more obvious, even with small joint movements, there is a sore feeling, which shows that the previous training is in place.

Especially like the leg muscles, there will be a delay of 48 hours to 72 hours after training, and the muscles are also growing during this recovery phase.

Write at the end:

The ultimate purpose of our strength training is to build muscle, if you usually just train at will , No plans, no goals, regardless of whether the action is standard or not, and even the position of the muscles that focus on training is not clear, so long-term training can only be useless.

If you can find the correct muscle strength every time, experience the muscle pump effect during training, the muscle soreness after training is delayed for 2-3 days, and the muscle circumference is also increasing, It shows that your overall training is indeed effective and has been practiced in place.

The training plan should be adjusted at any time according to the training ability, not the same, and the quality of movement is the basis of all training, any detail will Affects muscle gain.

Do the right movements, adjust the training plan in time, feel the force and pump feeling of each target muscle, feel the muscle soreness, then your muscles will gradually grow—— Youmi AI Fitness