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Blurred vision, man thinks cataracts

Mr. Hong recalled that his vision was blurry for a year. 3 years ago, when he looked in the mirror, he found a cloudy change in the white of his left eye. He thought it was cataract, but his vision was not much affected at that time, and it was not painful. It didn’t itch, so he didn’t take it seriously for the next few years.

After examination, the doctor found that the cloudy area on Mr. Hong’s eyeball is not a cataract, it is actually a sarcoid-like tissue proliferation , are cells on the surface of the eyeball, formed due to disorderly proliferation after external stimuli.

The doctor said that this fleshy membrane-like proliferative tissue appears in many people and looks like insect wings, so it is also called Pterygium.

The pterygium erodes the eyeball and faces the risk of blindness

The doctor said that there are various cells on the surface of the eyeball, especially the fibroblasts under the conjunctiva, which will proliferate after being stimulated. There are many factors that stimulate the formation of pterygium, and Mr. Hong’s pathogenesis is very typical.


The man is a fisherman who often goes out to sea. The ultraviolet rays are strong and the sea breeze is strong, so it is easy to cause this disease.

The doctor told reporters that at sea, Mr. Hong hardly used any protective measures. Under the long-term stimulation of ultraviolet rays, the pterygium slowly grew. At present, Mr. Chen’s pterygium has been removed. After active treatment by the doctor, his vision has also been restored very well.

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The doctor pointed out that pterygium is more common in people aged 30 to 50, mainly due to long-term chronic stimuli such as ultraviolet radiation, dust, smoke and so on. related.

It is also worth noting that although the formation of pterygium is also the disordered proliferation of cells, it is fundamentally different from tumors. Speed ​​and aggressiveness are much stronger than pterygium, which is also an important difference between them. The doctor said that once the pterygium is formed, the follow-up progress will cause serious damage to the vision and should be vigilant.


Actually, pterygium is easy to identify, as long as we look in the mirror, we will find that the whites of our eyes are more red. If once found, it will gradually grow up and erode the part of the black eyeball. You must go to the hospital in time and do not delay the treatment.