The epidemic situation of new coronavirus pneumonia in Liaoning from 0:00 to 24:00 on May 2, 2022

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From 0 to 24:00 on May 2, 5 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (including 2 confirmed cases from asymptomatic infections) were added in Liaoning Province, all of which were reported by Dandong City; An additional 79 cases of local asymptomatic infections were reported, including 34 cases reported in Dandong City and 45 cases reported in Yingkou City. 1 confirmed case of local new coronary pneumonia was cured and discharged; 7 cases of local asymptomatic infection and 1 case of imported asymptomatic infection were released from medical observation. As of 24:00 on May 2, the province has reported a total of 1,651 confirmed cases (including 211 imported from abroad), 1,609 cured and discharged, 2 died, and 40 were treated in hospital (39 local, 1 case imported from abroad). At present, there are 653 asymptomatic infections still under medical observation (638 domestic cases and 15 imported cases).

Source: Liaoning Provincial Health and Health Commission

Editor: A Diao Zhangwei

“News Front” Hotline: 024-23186688