Crazy Helicobacter pylori has infected 800 million Chinese! How to detect, cure and prevent it here!!

During the physical examination

Seeing the “Helicobacter pylori positive” diagnosis on the report

Are you panicking?

Helicobacter pylori, the faithful brother of the big devil’s gastric cancer, is indeed a class 1 carcinogen!

About half of people are infected with Helicobacter pylori

Why is the infection rate so high?

Do I have stomach cancer if I get infected?

Would you like to check? Do you want to cure it?

Don’t worry, let’s answer one by one~


What is Helicobacter pylori?

Helicobacter pylori, abbreviated as Hp, is one of the most common bacterial pathogens that live in the human stomach pylori.

According to conservative estimates of the World Gastrointestinal Organization (WGO), at least half of the world’s population is infected with Helicobacter pylori. Due to the common eating habits in my country, everyone eats a bowl of vegetables and rarely uses public chopsticks. It is the country with the largest number of Helicobacter pylori infections, with an infection rate as high as 59%, and nearly 700 million people are infected. In other words, three out of every five people around have been infected with Helicobacter pylori.

This bacterial infection first causes chronic gastritis and leads to gastric ulcers and gastric atrophy, which in severe cases progress to gastric cancer.


In what ways is it contagious?

Humans are the only source of infection for Helicobacter pylori, mainly in saliva, dental plaque, stomach and feces.

ꔷ Mode of transmissionꔷ

Oral-to-oral transmission : shared utensils, drinking glasses

Stomach-oral transmission: reflux from stomach to mouth

Fecal-oral transmission: excreted in stool

But! Most of the Helicobacter pylori-infected patients have no obvious symptoms, or only have mild indigestion symptoms, and these symptoms can appear at any time, and many people are not easily aware of them. Find.


How to check for infection?

Gastric biopsy

In addition to seeing the stomach, gastroscopy can also take some tissues for biopsy, and can detect Helicobacter pylori during biopsy.

If Helicobacter pylori is positive, a bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test can be added, which is helpful for subsequent drug treatment.

Carbon 14 breath test method

Carbon 14 breath test (commonly referred to as C14 breath test) is a highly sensitive and specific Strong, fast, simple, safe and inexpensive diagnostic method for Hp. The examination has the advantages of painless, non-invasive, and no cross-infection, and has been widely used in clinical practice.


How is it treated?

Helicobacter pylori infection is not difficult to treat and does not take very long.

After examination finds Helicobacter pylori infection, it is necessary to seek medical treatment at a specialist in time. Generally speaking, at present, quadruple therapy< /span>The most effective, It can be cured by taking the medicine for 10 to 14 days in a row.

strong in

After treatment has healed, it is also important to review!

After discontinuation of the drug, generally at least 4 weeks’ interval before the successful eradication can be reviewed. If the C14 breath test result is still positive, it is necessary to continue with the next stage of treatment; if it is negative, it means that it has been cured. Premature examination may lead to inaccurate examination results due to the potential influence of pre-treatment drugs(bacteria also didn’t kill it completely but couldn’t check it out).

In addition, pay attention to ensure that no antibiotics, bismuths have been used in the previous 4 weeks, and no each has been used in the previous 2 weeks. Acid-suppressing drugs such as prazole and tidine.


How Prevent infection?

1. Wash hands before and after meals:Washing your hands should focus on cleaning the palms, backs of your hands and fingertips, and do not give Helicobacter pylori a chance.

2. Food should go through high temperature: pylorus Helicobacter has a weakness, that is, it is not heat-resistant. The water must be boiled before drinking, the meat must be cooked before eating, and the milk must be sterilized before drinking.

3. Less irritating stomach: Eat less irritating food, eat less frequently , Do not smoke, do not drink alcohol, eat a balanced diet, and eat slowly.

4. It is recommended to divide meals: Infection at home Patients should choose to use public chopsticks until they are completely cured.

5. No mouth-to-mouth feeding: Be sure to avoid mouth-to-mouth feeding .

6. Regular replacement of dental appliances: recommended Mouthwash and antibacterial toothpaste for a period of time to relieve oral inflammation, and toothbrushes are changed every three months.


infected for sure Do you have stomach cancer?

Although the infection rate of H. It is about 1%, and this 1% is more common in patients with ulcer disease.

The occurrence of gastric cancer is not only caused by Helicobacter pylori, but also due to weak immunity, genetic factors, long-term mental depression, love Eating pickled foods, smoking and drinking alcohol, etc., cooperate with Helicobacter pylori to commit crimes, and eventually lead to gastric cancer.

In general, infection with Helicobacter pylori is not terrible, but it will have a certain impact on personal life and should be paid attention to. As long as effective prevention and active treatment, be cured quickly.

Source: Liugang News, Jingyitong, Guangzhou Digestive Disease Center, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Inspection Vision Network, three Fax

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