There is cancer in the body, do you know when you sleep? 4 kinds of discomfort in sleep that may signal cancer or disease

“How can a small back pain be cancer? You read it wrong!”

Uncle Wu is 52 years old this year, and he usually has the habit of exercising. Do push-ups from time to time. After doing push-ups a while ago, he felt that his back always had an unusual pain, especially at night, and even turning over became a problem. He thought he had a muscle strain, so he went to the massage parlor in front of his house for massage several times, but it didn’t help.

Under the last resort, Uncle Wu went to the hospital for treatment, and an examination was found to be late stage of lung cancer, accompanied by bone metastasis. The test results hit Uncle Wu on the head like a bolt from the blue. He didn’t want to believe that he was actually linked to cancer.

In fact, people of Uncle Wu’s age are the “main force” of people with cancer in clinical practice, and many people are diagnosed with cancer at this stage. There are also some who are easily affected by other diseases even if they do not have cancer.

1. The age of 50~64 is a high-risk period in life, and many people have not escaped cancer h1>

The latest cancer data released by the National Cancer Center shows that in 2016, there were about 4.064 million new cases of malignant tumors in my country, and 2.4135 million people were diagnosed with malignant tumors. Tumor death. The incidence and mortality of cancer both increase with age.The age group of 60-64 years and 50-54 years old has the most new malignant tumor cases.

Not just cancer, 50-64 year olds also face these health crises:

1. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

A study published by the American Heart Association found that people aged 45-64, Men, in particular, are very vulnerable to stroke. According to data published by the World Health Organization, one in six people worldwide will experience a stroke, a stroke every six seconds One died from the stroke and one was disabled from the stroke.

2. Osteoporosis

The incidence of osteoporosis is directly related to age Men are >50 years old and women are >45 years old, all of which are high-risk groups of osteoporosis. In most cases, osteoporosis strikes quietly. There will be no obvious symptoms in the early stage, but the bone calcium and bone mass in the body are slowly lost. The condition is serious.

3. Menopause

Women entering menopause, the lack of estrogen in the body will cause metabolic disorders, the body’s protection against cardiovascular will be reduced to a certain extent, it is easy to induce cardiovascular disease in women, and the risk of dyslipidemia at the same time will also increase.

For people who are in the high-risk age group, they should pay special attention to their own physical condition in daily life. Especially in the sleep state, these symptoms must be paid attention to.

Second, if these symptoms occur during sleep, be alert to cancer or disease

1. Back pain at night, turning over aggravated

Clinically primary bone tumors are relatively rare, but bone metastases from other cancers, especially spinal metastases, are very common. About 70% of advanced cancer patients will develop bone metastases, among which spinal metastases are the most common.

The first symptom of most patients with spinal metastases is spinal pain, including shoulder and neck pain, low back pain, etc.

span>It is somewhat similar to the symptoms caused by common cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc.

But the pain of spinal metastases may bemore obvious at night, and some patients will wake up because of the pain; In some patients, due to the destruction of the spinal bone and the decreased stability, the pain will be aggravated when changing the position during sleep, and the pain will be aggravated when turning over and getting up. When the lesion invades the nerve root, it can also cause symptoms such as arm pain and numbness, intercostal neuralgia, and sciatica.

2. Lower back pain when lying down and lying on side


When pancreatic cancerinvades the celiac plexus, the patient will experience persistent pain, pain Mostly on the waist. The pain will be aggravated when the patient is lying down or lying on the back, and the pain will be relieved when the patient changes the posture to the state of bending over and lying on the side. This symptom is a typical symptom of pancreatic cancer.

3. Sleeping snoring

Most people have a cognitive error that snoring is a sign of sound sleep. In fact, most of the snoring is caused by obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Under repeated hypoxia, sleep becomes fragmented and deep sleep cannot be entered.

Wake up and still feel very tired, memory loss, unresponsiveness and dozing off during the day. longIf this goes on, it will increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes, stroke and many other diseases, and some serious ones will even be span>Sudden death while sleeping.

In addition, nighttime snoring may increase your risk of cancer. Professor Ou Qiong of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospitalshows that hypoventilation can cause intermittent hypoxia in the body, It then increases the frequency of gene mutation, promotes endothelial cell proliferation, stimulates the generation of active free radicals, etc., and participates in the development of multiple tumors. To a certain extent, it is promoting the process of cancer development.

4. Limb numbness during sleep

< p>When cerebral blood vessels are blocked, it is very likely that symptoms of physical numbness will occur, which will initially manifest as local numbness, such as numbness of the tongue, numbness of the hands etc. As the disease progresses, there will be more and more numb parts, and you may even feel numbness on one side of the body during sleep, These symptoms should be alert to the precursors of cerebral infarction.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that you have discomfort while sleeping, it must be caused by disease or even cancer. The best way is to seek medical examination in time. Entering the high-risk period of life, everyone must pay attention to their own health, develop a good lifestyle, and especially correct some bad habits before going to bed.

3. People over 50, don’t do these things before going to bed, or increase the risk Cancer risk

1. Smoking before bed

When cigarettes burn, more than 2,000 kinds of harmful chemicals are produced. ingredients, including nitrosamines, benzopyrenes and other carcinogens, smoking before going to bed can easily make the environment full of harmful substances, and the body A steady stream of these substances is ingested, and the damage caused will be multiplied.

2. Drinking before bed

Alcohol is listed by WHOA class of carcinogens, many people think that drinking alcohol can help you sleep, which is not recommended. It is true that alcohol can make people fall asleep quickly, but the brain does not get rest during sleep, and even brain activity is more active than when awake.

When the alcohol in the body is completely metabolized, there will be a “rebound” performance, It will make sleep more difficult. Shallow. It is easy to wake up repeatedly in the middle of sleep, resulting in the next day waking up still very sleepy, tired, even more tired than not sleeping.

3. Have dinner before bed

Global Health, University of Barcelona, ​​Spain Eating past 9 p.m. increases the risk of prostate and breast cancer, according to a study published by the Institute . Expert analysis believes that eating late at night can cause inflammation in the body and change blood sugar levels, both of which are linked to cancer.

4. Sleep without lights

Cancer published results from a large cohort study showing that exposed to nighttime The risk of thyroid cancer increases by 55% in the light population, and the risk is higher in women. This is because the secretion of melatonin will be reduced under the illumination of light at night, which may affect the cardiovascular, nerve, and antioxidant capacity of free radicals.

5. Stay up late before going to bed

Long-term staying up late It causes damage to the function of the immune system, and the main role of immune cells is the cells that are responsible for participating in the immune response. In the case of a weakened immune system, immune cells cannot perform their functions normally, and it is easy for cancer cells to take advantage.

Having said so much, it does not mean that middle-aged and elderly people will definitely get sick, but there is still hope that the disease can be cured by maintaining healthy living habits and regular physical examinations in life.” strangled in the cradle”, don’t worry too much.


[1] Xiong Hailin, Ou Qiong. Research progress on the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and tumor[J] ]. Chinese Journal of Medicine, 2022, 102(8): 598-601.

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[3] “How many people have not survived the life-threatening period of 45-55 years old! 6 things to remember in the past 10 years”. Guangming.2021.3.23

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