How to treat a cold 6 kinds of treatment methods are not worse than drugs

Cold is a very common disease in life. Everyone has several colds every year. After getting a cold, patients will have many uncomfortable symptoms. At this time, everyone should control the cold. How to treat the cold? There are many reasons for people to catch a cold. Everyone should pay attention to it. If you have a cold, you need to supplement your body with nutrients. What food should you eat?

How to treat a cold

First, clean the nasal cavity

After finding out that he has a cold, the patient can improve the symptoms with salt water. At this time, the nasal cavity should be washed repeatedly with salt water, so that the virus in the nasal cavity can be washed out , reduce the continuous invasion of bacteria into the nasal cavity, and then enter the body, this treatment method can improve the early symptoms of colds, and is also a way to prevent colds.

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Second, add chicken soup


Some studies have shown that when you have a cold, you should supplement your body with chicken soup, which can well suppress inflammation of the throat and respiratory tract, which can reduce the symptoms of nasal congestion, runny nose and sneezing caused by colds. More amino acids, and their own nutrients are also richer, which can improve resistance.

Third, eat more white radish

After the white radish juice is squeezed, you can mash the ginger juice water, add a certain amount of sugar and honey to it , and then stir evenly, you can drink it as a drink, insist on drinking it three times a day, and then drink it for two consecutive days, it can play a relatively strong heat-clearing and detoxifying effect, and can also drive away cold, which is effective for colds.

Fourth, drink sugar ginger tea

Brown sugar, ginger, and black tea are put together, boiled with water, drink once or twice a day, you can Repels cold, can play the effect of fighting against cold and flu.

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Fifth, drink honey p>

Research shows that honey contains a variety of biologically active substances, which can stimulate the body’s immune function. Honey can be taken once or twice a day to reduce virus invasion. However, it should be noted that babies younger than one year old are not recommended to drink.

Sixth, vinegar nasal drip, fumigation

After diluting the vinegar with cold water, then drip the liquid into the nasal cavity, every day It can be instilled about 5 times, and a few drops each time can play a good role in preventing colds. Generally, in the early stage of a cold, the effect is often more ideal, and it can kill some viruses in the nasopharynx. effect. Fumigation is also good. Putting vinegar on the stove to fumigate may also kill some of the cold viruses in the room.

Causes of colds

1. Cold feet are easy to catch colds: When the feet are cold, it is very easy to catch a cold, because the feet are part of the heart. Blood supply can be relatively low especially in winter, so it should be kept warm, especially in winter.

2. High-protein diets are prone to colds: Regular intake of some high-protein foods can cause colds, such as chickens, ducks, fish, etc. You should also pay attention to some high-fat and high-sugar foods.

3. Craving for salty food is prone to colds: Salt can reduce saliva secretion and oral lysozyme. The function of epithelial cells is inhibited due to the osmotic effect of sodium salts.

4. Improper medication is easy to catch a cold: antipyretic analgesics, antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, anesthetics and anti-cancer drugs have different degrees of inhibition on human immune function. Abusing these drugs will reduce the body’s immune system. Disease resistance, making people susceptible to colds.