Which medicines should you not take for a long time? It is recommended that all friends who take medicine for a long time read it!

“These 3 kinds of medicines must not be taken for a long time! These 4 kinds of medicines must not be taken for a long time”, this kind of popular science is very popular recently.

I don’t know who is the first doctor to say this, because the number of readings is tens of millions and the number of likes is more than 2 million, so many doctors follow suit. Either imitate such popular science, or even directly plagiarize.

As ordinary people, of course, I am a medical layman, and I think what they say is quite reasonable. But as a doctor, being able to say such a thing is ridiculous in itself.

Let’s not discuss for the time being those who do not distinguish right from wrong, just look at the amount of reading and copy the cat and the tiger, and copy and copy the bad behavior. Let’s talk about the matter, and take out a few specific drugs in their popular science and analyze it with you to see if these drugs can’t be taken for a long time.

First, let’s talk about the specific issues in their popular science:

1. Don’t take aspirin for a long time

They said that aspirin should not be taken long-term because they thought it would cause bleeding.

This sentence seems to be correct, and it feels like it is still considered from the perspective of ordinary people. But I ask these doctors, do you really understand aspirin? Have you used aspirin clinically?

For confirmed coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cardiac stent, heart bypass, cerebral infarction, unstable carotid plaque and other diseases.

Can’t I take aspirin long-term?

It is a mistake to not take aspirin long-term at this time. At this time, if you do not take aspirin for a long time, you will increase the risk of blood clots. If you do not take aspirin for a long time, it will greatly increase the risk of myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, and even the risk of sudden death.

Who gave you the courage to come to science and tell everyone that you can’t take aspirin for a long time.

Of course, if there is no clear ischemic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, long-term use of aspirin is naturally not necessary. However, if there is no disease, not only do you not need to take aspirin for a long time, but you don’t need to take any medicine for a long time. Therefore, it is said that aspirin cannot be taken for a long time. Either you do not understand the nonsense of aspirin, or you will do anything for the sake of reading.

Of course, long-term use should also monitor side effects and do regular review. So saying that you can’t take aspirin for a long time, our old classmates (fans) know that this is a mistake.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, just pretend you understand, and it’s not right to run out and be scary.

2. Hydrochlorothiazide cannot be used for a long time

They also said that hydrochlorothiazide should not be taken long-term.

I would like to ask if you know the definition of resistant hypertension?

Resistant hypertension is high blood pressure that is not well controlled despite taking 3 antihypertensive drugs, one of which is hydrochlorothiazide. Therefore, for refractory hypertension, long-term use of hydrochlorothiazide is generally required. That is to say, for some people with high blood pressure, they need to take 3 kinds of antihypertensive drugs, or more than 3 kinds of antihypertensive drugs, then there must be one of them is hydrochlorothiazide. And high blood pressure almost always takes antihypertensive drugs for a long time, so naturally this part of people with refractory hypertension needs to take hydrochlorothiazide for a long time.

Why do you say that hydrochlorothiazide cannot be used for a long time?

And hydrochlorothiazide itself is one of the five major antihypertensive drugs, which can be used as a conventional antihypertensive drug, especially for elderly hypertension. It is also an option for long-term use in combination with antihypertensive. There are even many compound antihypertensive drugs that contain hydrochlorothiazide.

So, if you don’t understand, you can learn, but don’t come out and fool the people if you don’t understand.

Second, let’s take these two examples, and let’s talk about principles:

You go to learn your driver’s license.

The coach said: When driving my coach, you must apply the brakes when parking.

This sentence seems to be fine, but shouldn’t the coach tell us: Do you have to hit the brakes when driving any car to stop?

Instead of telling us to hit the brakes while driving this coach.

Popular science tells everyone a general direction and principle. Instead of being like this coach, telling this car to hit the brakes, that car needs to hit the brakes. What about the next time you drive a third car?

Many people tell everyone that these three medicines must not be taken for a long time, and these four medicines must not be taken for a long time.

According to this logic, I don’t think 30 kinds of medicines, 40 kinds of medicines can’t be taken for a long time.


1. When we take any prescription medicine, we can’t see that Aunt Li next door is eating well, so we follow Aunt Li to take this medicine.

2. Any prescription drug is because we have a certain chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is the basis of our medicine. At the same time, prescription drugs must be taken under the guidance of a professional doctor. This is the principle of taking medicine.

3. As for how long to eat, it is also the doctor’s advice. Instead of deciding on your own to eat for a period of time or take it for a long time. For most of the three highs and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, long-term medication must be taken. But even if you take the medicine for a long time, you should not ignore it, but you must understand the side effects of taking these medicines for a long time, do long-term observation, and do regular review. This is safe medicine.

In short, everyone remember that whether or not to take any prescription drug for a long time is determined by the disease itself; whether or not to take it for a long time and for how long must be determined by professional doctors according to your disease Of course, if you take medicine for a long time, you must do a good job of observation and regular review.

Who else can’t take these 3 kinds of medicines for a long time, and those who can’t take these 4 kinds of medicines for a long time; and those who plagiarize and fool popular science without thinking, you must first figure out what to do Don’t take medicine…