What are the benefits of loofah, unexpectedly it is a little expert in beauty and intelligence

Luffa is a common vegetable in daily life. It not only tastes delicious, but also is not expensive. It is very suitable for everyone to eat. People who like loofah, do you know what its benefits are? It can be fried and eaten as a soup. Many dishes have taboos, what are the taboos of loofah?

What are the benefits of loofah

1. Antiscurvy


Luffa can resist scurvy. It contains a lot of vitamin C. This substance is also called ascorbic acid. When it reaches our body, it can synthesize collagen. In this way, scurvy can be prevented, and eating loofah properly in life can well prevent scurvy from appearing.

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2. Beauty Puzzle


Many people should not know that loofah can have a beauty and beauty effect, mainly because it contains a lot of vitamin B. This substance is very good for children’s brain development and for maintaining the brain health of middle-aged and elderly people. effect. Vitamin C in loofah can play a relatively strong antioxidant and can also play a role in the synthesis of collagen.

3. Anti-virus, anti-allergic

Some pharmacological studies have shown that the extract from loofah has a good effect on inhibiting Japanese encephalitis virus. The effect is that this substance can play an antiviral effect. There is also an anti-allergic substance in the tissue culture liquid of loofah. It is called rhizolic acid, so eating loofah properly can play a certain anti-allergic effect.

4. Others

In addition to being used fresh, loofah is also a rare Chinese herbal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, and many parts can be used as medicine , such as loofah vine, loofah leaves, loofah, etc., loofah vine is mainly for promoting blood circulation and reducing swelling, loofah leaves have the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving cough, and loofah is more prominent in promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals.

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Luffa practice

Fried potatoes with loofah

1. Peel the loofah, wash and cut into pieces; peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices, rinse and drain.

2. Put the loofah in the hot oil and stir fry until it becomes soft.

3. Put the potato chips into the pot, add salt and soy sauce, and stir fry quickly and evenly.

Fried loofah fried dough sticks

1. Peel and wash the silk and cut into strips; two pieces of fried dough sticks, cut with scissors or tear them by hand into strips ; One spicy millet, chopped; a few garlic, pat flat, peeled, and cut into slices.