Numbness of the upper limbs can be cured by doing “neck exercise”


The numbness of hands and feet is a symptom that often occurs in people’s daily life, such as pregnancy, incorrect sleeping position, and squatting on the toilet for a long time. It can be caused, and it will usually be eliminated in a short period of time, and there will be no major problems. However, for some people, the numbness of the hands and feet cannot be relieved for a long time (more than a day), which is pathological numbness.

The upper limbs are numb, do “neck exercise”

Author/Zhu Yuqi

The year before last, a friend of mine’s wife gave birth to a boy. She just finished confinement and found that her middle finger, ring finger, The pinky finger goes all the way to the outside of the arm, feeling numb and spreading, sometimes for a few hours without getting better.

After I listened to the consultation, I told him to ask his wife to have a check-up. The next day he brought his wife, and I asked her: “When did you have this numbness?”< /p>

She said: “It happened during pregnancy before but it was not so serious. After confinement, I found that the numbness was very severe.”

After listening to her words, I asked her to do a neck X-ray examination, and found that she had mild cervical spondylosis, which was caused by the hyperplasia of the cervical spine compressing the nerves. numbness.

Taking medicine is a common method of treatment, but she is breastfeeding, which is obviously not suitable. Traction therapy can be used, but frequent visits to the hospital are required. Considering her inconvenience, I introduced him to an exercise method that is as effective as traction therapy, and can usually do it at home.

Neck Exercise

The hands and fingers are crossed to hug the back occiput, and the hands and the neck are against the front and back for 3 to 9 times; the movement of the forearm drives the two palms, and the roots of the two palms focus on hitting the neck for 3 to 9 times.

The numbness of the upper limbs will make the patient very painful, grasping things unsteadily, unable to do fine work, and even make the patient wonder if they have it Any serious illness seriously affects work, life and mood, so it must be treated in time.

This method is accumulated by me through long-term experience and then summed up. It has a good effect on the treatment of numbness caused by cervical spine problems and can effectively relieve Nerve compression, promote blood circulation, and then achieve the effect of curing numbness.

Using this method can reduce the dose of medicine, or even not take it, and reduce the number of visits to the hospital for rehabilitation therapy, which is safe and convenient , and at the same time save a lot of expenses, it is a wise choice.

Finally, I remind everyone that in order to prevent the occurrence of pathological numbness, it is necessary to avoid working and studying in one posture for a long time, especially when working and studying with your head down. , take a break of 10 every 1 hour
minutes or so. In addition, an inappropriate pillow may also cause this disease. Pay attention to adjusting the height of the pillow when sleeping, remember to remember.

Author’s message


< span>“A Good Body Is Made This Way”

For thousands of years, our country has also accumulated a lot of great exercise methods. For example, the well-known Baduanjin, Wuqinxi, levator anus, squatting, etc. But unfortunately, due to many For this reason, very few doctors are willing to take the time to popularize this knowledge. The purpose of writing this book is to tell you the auxiliary exercise methods for common family diseases that these doctors do not have time to talk about, and these methods can be done every day without willpower. If you keep doing it, you will no longer need or take less medicine! This is how you can truly experience a good body.

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This article is selected from “A Good Body Is Made Like This”, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House, Zhu Yuqi◎Editor, the final explanation All rights belong to the original author. The image is copyrighted by the publisher, please do not use it.

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