After a glass of white wine, the young man was sent to the emergency room, reminding young people: don’t take health to fight

Around nine o’clock in the evening, the phone rang rapidly. On the phone: Hurry up, the emergency department needs support.

Dr. Liu, who is on duty in the anesthesiology department, galloped out with a brisk pace. She knows that there is no special emergency, and colleagues in the emergency department cannot be so urgent.

Enter the emergency room, where a colleague is already doing chest compressions.

Quickly grabbed the patient’s head, with black lips and bulging eyes.

Look back at the ECG, straight line!

Without a word, Dr. Liu copied the laryngoscope.

All are trained first responders, and the nurses are unequivocal, handing over the endotracheal tube.

my country’s medical insurance fund has a large balance every year: too much money to spend

That’s it, endotracheal intubation is done in seconds.

After intubation, the first breath came in and brought back obvious vomit.

Seeing that the color of the lips improved slightly, Dr. Liu quickly completed the suction.

Under normal circumstances, the anesthesiology department can be withdrawn. Because the anesthesiology department is responsible for the emergency work of the whole hospital. Only when other departments encounter problems that cannot be solved, go to the Department of Anesthesiology. Dr. Liu, who is on duty in one hospital, should quickly return to the anesthesiology department.

However, at this time she didn’t. She said: too young, try to rescue.

The reason why she stayed at the rescue scene is because the anesthesiology department has a deeper understanding of the rescue of critically ill patients.

In this way, Dr. Liu pays attention to the voice of his mobile phone while directing everyone and the time race.

At this time, 20 minutes have passed since the time of the incident as stated by the “family”. In theory, there should be a possibility of “coming over”.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, my heartbeat came back. Everyone sighed: really young. If it is not young, the newly resuscitated heart generally needs to continue to assist for a period of time.

As the blood pressure measured was relatively normal, Dr. Liu asked everyone not to perform chest compressions for the time being, and she wanted to observe the situation.

At this time, the patient’s pupils are still dilated, which is a very bad phenomenon.

Listening to “family members”, Dr. Liu’s brain quickly searched for the cause after drinking a glass of white wine: Alcohol allergy? Fake wine? Food poisoning?

If this is the case, according to what the “family” said, “the compression started at that time”, it should be saved. I’m afraid…

Dr. Liu’s brain flashed an ominous premonition: Could it be a cerebral hemorrhage? In such a hurry, the center of life – brain stem hemorrhage cannot be ruled out. If so, a dozen milliliters can be fatal.

At this time, because there was an anesthesiologist, everyone looked at Dr. Liu, waiting for her next order.

Seeing that the patient’s vital signs were not serious for the time being, Dr. Liu immediately asked everyone to push the patient to the CT room.

Fortunately, the cerebral blood vessels are fine.

Combining the vomit in the trachea and the open eyes, Dr. Liu considered that the patient was caused by aspiration. As for whether he hadn’t drank alcohol at that time or had too much alcohol, it’s unknown.

The CT room was launched, and a group of people came. In the front is a young woman with a four- or five-year-old child. Obviously, this should be the patient’s wife and children. For a moment, Dr. Liu seemed to see the scene of putting on a horse and wearing a filial piety.

I don’t dare to think too much. It is imperative to find out the cause as soon as possible so that follow-up rescue can be carried out.

At this point, Dr. Liu realized that the so-called “family” was actually the leader of his unit.

They were restless at that time, which made Dr. Liu think they were real family members.

If it is a real family member, would you let your family go out for a drink at 9 o’clock in the evening? Will he let him kill a glass of white wine in one sip? At that time, I was restless, maybe I was worried about how much money I would lose?

Dr. Liu no longer wants to think about the relationship behind it. The top priority is to save this young man’s life.

I was admitted to the intensive care unit, put on an ice cap and started various tests. It is hoped that through these inspections, the truth can be found out.

On the way back to the anesthesiology department, she really wanted to speak out: young people, don’t take health for granted!

【Warm reminder】Click here to pay attention, there are a lot of professional medical science, to reveal the secrets of surgical anesthesia for you~