Acupuncture for hives, pruritus and scratching

Introduction:For this common clinical skin disease, in addition to oral decoction, acupuncture Also a good choice.

img>Acupuncture for hives, pruritus and scratches

>Urticaria is a localized temporary edematous wheal with itching or burning sensation. Few patients may have symptoms such as fever or abdominal pain. When the body is sensitive, there are many factors that induce it, such as animal species such as fish, shrimp, feathers, and plant species such as pollen, nettle, and sumac. In addition, chemical, physical, mechanical, infectious, as well as gastrointestinal dysfunction, endocrine disorders and mental factors can also induce this disease. Pruritus is a neurological disorder in which there is only itching on the skin without any primary rash. Scratch disease is caused by friction or scratching, also known as artificial urticaria. Traditional Chinese medicine calls urticaria “hidden rash”, which was first seen in “Su Wen • The Four Seasons Thorn Nervousness”, also known as “rubella”, “addiction rash”, and “huhan”. Second, etiology and pathogenesisInternal skin is damp, external factors feel wind pathogens, and wind pathogens are wind-cold, wind-heat There are also internal causes of dampness and heat in the stomach and stomach, and external causes of feeling wind and pathogens, so that the inside cannot be vented, the outside cannot be penetrated, the outside and inside are mutually sick, the camp and the defense are not in harmony, and the eruption is a rash. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pruritus and scratching are blood deficiency and wind. III. Treatment based on syndrome differentiationWind-cold type: Light rash, severe itching, nausea The wind is afraid of cold, the heat is a little slower, and the cold is aggravated. White fur and tight pulse. Treats and dispels wind and cold, and reconciles ying and wei. Wind-heat type: The rash is red in color, severe itching, aggravated by heat, and slightly relieved by cold. The tongue is red and yellow, and the pulse is floating. Treat and dispel wind and dissipate heat, and reconcile camp and guard.

Stomach and stomach damp-heat type: fever and itching, abdominal pain, no-name discomfort in the abdomen, red urine and constipation, dry mouth and tongue, firm pulse . Treatment and expelling wind and expelling the exterior, clearing the interior and purging heat.

Blood deficiency type: Repeated rubella, unhealed over the years, fatigued, pale tongue, thin fur, thin pulse. Treat and nourish blood and expel wind. Four. Acupuncture treatmentBasic prescriptions: Quchi, Hegu, Xuehai , Sanyinjiao (both bilateral acupuncture, purging method)Addition and subtraction according to symptoms: Wind-cold type on the basis of the basic prescription, increase the acupuncture of Zhui and Fengchi (both bilateral acupuncture) , Tonic method, Dazhui point can also be used with warm needles, or moxa sticks for smoked moxibustion, or moxa sticks for smoked moxibustion back and forth in the wind group and its surroundings).

The wind-heat type is based on the basic formula, adding Chize and Lieque (both bilateral acupuncture and purging). Acupuncture once a day, if the curative effect is not good, add Geshu and Pishu to supplement and reduce. Stomach damp-heat type is based on the basic formula, plus Weishu, Dachangshu and Gongsun, all of which are acupuncture and diarrhea. Blood Sea and Dachangshu can be punctured with a three-edged needle for bloodletting, 1 to 2 ml each time. On the basis of the basic formula, Geshu, Ganshu, and Pishu are added with acupuncture on both sides. It is advisable to use the supplementation method. It can be treated once every 3 to 4 days in the stable period to delay the onset of the syndrome. V. FangyiQuchi and Hegu points are the empirical points for traditional treatment of urticaria. “Acupuncture and Moxibustion Fundamentals • Rubella” contains: Hegu and Quchi treat people with rubella all over their bodies. Xuehai and Sanyinjiao acupoints belong to the spleen meridian. Dazhui is the meeting of all yang, which can solve the external and open the yang. Fengchi is the meeting place of Shaoyang in the hands and feet, and has the effect of dispelling wind and relieving heat. Chize and Lieque points belong to the hand Taiyin meridian, which can clear the lung meridian and wind-heat. The main skin of the lung is directly related to the lesion. Blood meets Geshu, and spleen can control blood, so those who do not have immediate effect can puncture Geshu and spleen to nourish blood. Stomach Shu and Large Intestine Shu can cleanse the intestines and clear dampness and heat. Quchi is the joint point of the hand-yangming meridian, the large intestine controls body fluid, and the acupuncture pond can catalyze Tongli. Gongsun is a point on the spleen meridian, don’t go to Yangming, communicate between the outside and inside, damp-heat self-interest, so the above acupoints are very effective for gastrointestinal damp-heat type; for wind-heat type constipation For those who are not, you can also refer to this method to select acupoints, which are mostly due to the lower Jiao Tongli, and the rash disappears quickly. Geshu, Ganshu and Pishu can nourish blood and activate blood, and it is effective for those who suffer from rubella due to blood deficiency and wind. In addition to acupuncture on body points, ear points can also be selected, and the urticaria area, lung, endocrine, and adrenal glands are selected for bilateral acupuncture. guide. There is still a cupping method in the folk, and the author has tried it and it is effective. The method is: take Shenque acupoint for 5 minutes, remove it, then cupping for 5 minutes, then remove, and then cupping for 5 minutes, a total of 3 times. The author once cured an interesting case of intractable urticaria and obtained inspiration from it. The patient is a 40-year-old female patient with a 25-year history of urticaria. She has a severe attack at the turn of each spring and summer. In addition to multiple wheals all over her body, she has diarrhea 4 to 5 times a day, abdominal pain, and unbearable intra-abdominal itching. The discomfort persisted after treatment. Yu diagnosed the patient with robust appearance, plump body, red tongue, yellow and greasy tongue coating, smooth and firm pulse, and complained of usual firm stool, history of constipation, and bad breath. I like spicy food and drink liquor. At the time of the first visit, the patient was irritable and could not sit for a while, and the family complained that the patient was irritable.

Quchi, Weishu, Gongsun, Xuehai, Dachangshu were used for bilateral acupuncture; Bloodletting by prickling, about 2 ml of bleeding per acupoint, and using the purging method for the remaining three acupoints. At the same time, the auricular points of lung, large intestine, rectum, sympathetic, and Shenmen were used, one side was punctured with a 28-gauge needle for bleeding, and the other side was applied with medicinal seeds, and the patient was instructed to press frequently to avoid severe pain. The next day, the wheals subsided, the abdominal pain did not appear, the itching in the abdomen disappeared, the stool was smooth once, and the demeanor was much quieter than yesterday, and the greasy moss gradually disappeared. The original method is treated again. On the 3rd day of follow-up, the wheal all over the body subsided. The follow-up for 2 years has never occurred. Treatment of the above cases: Select acupoints purely according to TCM syndrome differentiation. The spleen meridian is the key acupoint for the experience of treating urticaria; and auricular acupoints are added according to this principle to treat the syndrome of intertwined blood heat and gastrointestinal excess heat. There is a folk proverb in the Jiangnan area of ​​my country, which says: “rubella lumps in the belly.” It means that rubella occurs in the abdomen, itching and unbearable, but it cannot be touched or grasped. Is there any The comparison is uncomfortable, and this folk proverb is exactly the portrayal of this case. According to the theory that the lungs and the large intestine are related to the outside and inside, the wind mass can occur in the skin and must also be in the intestines. Therefore, it can be seen that rubella patients often have symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea. In the late 1950s, I used acupuncture to treat many cases of measles in children. I saw that all children with measles would suffer from diarrhea, and the outside and inside were also related. . For rubella and measles, although it is not possible to dissect the patient’s intestinal mucosa for rash, but there is a rash on the body epidermis, it is often seen that there are related syndromes in the intestines Appearing, such a reflection of the relationship between the outside and the inside, Gu Yi convinces people that the lung and the large intestine are related to the outside and inside, and it is not speculation. I Copyright NoticeThis article is sourced from Fang Youan’s Selected Papers on Acupuncture and Moxibustion, published by Shanghai Translation Publishing Company. The copyright belongs to the right holder.     END width< /img>Editing|Angelica dahurica Vision|Zanthoxylum bungee-Business Contact-Perilla|18018790602(Same number on WeChat) /img>