Academician Zhong Nanshan: Under the epidemic, it is very important to protect your immunity!

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Review of this article: Chen Haixu, Second Medical Center, PLA General Hospital, Deputy Director, Master’s Tutor

“Whether humans will get sick after being infected with pathogens, and the severity of the onset, depends on two aspects: The number and virulence of pathogens, as well as the body’s immunity, are a result of the combined effect of two aspects. The occurrence, development and prognosis of the new coronavirus pneumonia are closely related to the quality of the body’s immune system. The body must truly treat the new coronavirus It relies on your own immune system to clean it up.” On April 28, at the 2022 World Immunization Week “Fighting the Epidemic Together and Building an Immune Barrier” event, Zhong Nanshan, a recipient of the Medal of the Republic and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out in a video speech.

Academician Zhong Nanshan appealed, “Everyone should strengthen their immune system and maintain a peaceful mind. Improve immunity, strengthen the immune barrier, and start from yourself to better prevent and control new coronary pneumonia.”

Immunity is “the best doctor”

In our daily life, we often have When people encounter sudden changes in the weather, they will have a headache and a cold, but some people have nothing at all. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of immunity.

During the same epidemic period, in the same environment, some people were infected, while others were safe; the same patients with new coronary pneumonia, some patients were severely ill, Some patients don’t even have any symptoms. The reason is that it has a lot to do with the body’s own immunity. It can be said that immunity is the “good doctor” that comes with the body.

Wang Guiqiang, a member of the medical treatment expert group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Peking University First Hospital, introduced in an interview that when we say infectious diseases or infectious diseases, they are both Pathogenic microorganisms enter the body and cause disease in our body. The pathogenesis mechanism has two aspects: one is the virulence of the virus and bacteria itself, and its virulence determines your outcome; the second is also very important, that is, immunity. If the immunity is in a balanced state, it may not be very heavy, if it is particularly strong, it may be very heavy, and if it is particularly weak, it will protract and become chronic.

Professor Wang Guiqiang explained that we always use war to describe pathogens entering the body and immunity after each other Therefore, if this pathogen is particularly powerful, the siege will be broken quickly, and the patient will eventually die. Of course, it is dead together, and the virus and microorganisms are gone.

Professor Wang Guiqiang gave an example, the new crown itself is a typical result of the mutual struggle between pathogenic microorganisms and human immunity, resulting in various clinical types. For example:

Asymptomatic infection: After infection, the onset has no symptoms, the virus exists in the upper respiratory tract, But he himself did not show any symptoms;

Mild:Mild without pneumonia, but with upper respiratory tract infection , a little fever, this is called light type; Fever, respiratory symptoms, then pneumonia;

severe and critical: also severe and critical, Some suddenly became severe, suddenly deteriorated, and even had problems soon.

Protect your immunity and do these 4 things well!

In 2020, Wang Guiqiang, member of the medical treatment expert group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Peking University First Hospital, Wang Lixiang, former director of the emergency department of the Third Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, and Zhang Wenhong, director of the National Center for Infectious Diseases Medicine and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University Now, protect your immunity and do these 4 points!

1. Good immunity can be “eaten”

A person’s health is closely related to immunity. With normal immunity, it is not easy for viruses to invade. Balanced nutrition is the most basic requirement for healthy people. Eating scientifically and rationally will help improve your immunity, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

It is recommended to maintain healthy three meals a day, and ensure the intake of 4 types of food every day, including cereals and potatoes (grain), vegetables and fruits Proteins (especially high-quality proteins), and oils and fats (including cooking oils and nuts). It is recommended to eat more than 25 kinds of foods a week, which helps to ensure a balanced and reasonable nutrition. At the same time, pay attention to the ratio of protein to carbohydrates and fats in the diet, which can effectively improve immunity.

2. Moderate exercise is a “good medicine” to protect immunity

The saying that “exercise is good medicine” has a long history, and the World Health Organization will “moderate exercise” Include the four cornerstones of health. Exercise helps to stimulate and improve immunity, and population statistics studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have significantly better cellular immune function than those who do not exercise.

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Sports Science Moderation It can strengthen the body, but blind exercise will hurt its own body, so excessive and fatigued exercise is not recommended. It is recommended to use light aerobic exercise, which helps to improve human endurance. Running, yoga, Tai Chi, Baduanjin, and golf are all good sports.

Adults weekly moderate-intensity aerobic exercise 150-300 minutes, or high-intensity aerobic exercise 75-150 minutes, or both Intensive exercise combination, can maximize the health benefits.

3. Good sleep is the natural immune barrier of the human body< /p>

The “Healthy China Action (2019-2030)” issued by the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee clearly pointed out that “long-term lack of sleep will increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, depression, diabetes and obesity. The risk of damage to cognitive function, memory and immune system.”

Therefore, it is recommended that people pay attention to sleep health. Ensure adequate sleep time every day, work, study, entertainment and rest must be carried out according to the schedule of work and rest.

With almost everyone staying up late today, sleep has become as precious as a luxury. A good night’s sleep is the natural body’s immune barrier. For good immunity, start with high-quality sleep.

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4. A good and healthy mentality is the guarantee of immunity

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People’s psychology becomes complicated with age. The stress generated by psychological stress affects immunity through processes such as input, evaluation, and response.

After psychological stress produces stress, the physiology will react and adjust proactively, which will help the body to resist stress, restore internal stability, and maintain immunity to a certain extent; it may also be It becomes the physiological basis for physical diseases caused by long-term stress, resulting in low immunity and susceptibility to diseases.

Young and middle-aged people are advised to arrange working hours reasonably, do relaxation training every day, moderately vent negative emotions, maintain contact with the outside world, and actively encourage themselves. Improve immunity by adjusting your mental state.

Finally, diet, exercise, psychology, and sleep are important cornerstones of immunity. To maintain a good immunity and a healthy state, we must start with a healthy life.

Source: Health Times

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