Sleep well, cardiovascular is not good? Can’t sleep at night and take some sleeping pills? It’s actually not that simple

As the saying goes: Dumplings are better than dumplings, and they are better than falling asleep.

But more and more people are falling into the cycle of “not sleeping well”, anxiety, depression, sleep apnea, work stress, chronic diseases… . The causes of insomnia can be compared to brands of sleeping pills.

Lack of sleep for a long time will not only affect the mental state of the human body, but also cause some diseases, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

A poor night’s sleep may increase the risk of stroke and heart disease?

As early as 2019, a research team led by a professor from Peking University published a research article in the journal Neurology.

The research team followed 500,000 people for 10 years and conducted a large-scale analysis that found a strong link between insomnia and cardiovascular disease.

The researchers, aged between 30 and 79, followed up for 10 years and found that these people had three types of sleep disorders, including difficulty falling and staying asleep, and easy to wake up early. , as well as disturbed sleep and difficulty concentrating during the day.

11% had trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, 10% had early awakenings, and 2% had disturbed sleep and daytime distractions Difficulty concentrating force.

Different sleep disorders have different cardiovascular and cerebrovascular incidence rates

The study also found that people who had three types of sleep problems repeatedly had an 18 percent increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Difficulty falling or staying asleep increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease by 9%. For people who wake up too early, the risk of heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases increases by 7%.

The risk of stroke and heart disease was increased by 13% for people who had disturbed sleep and were unable to concentrate during the day.

What do we need to do about insomnia?

One, adjust the mood before going to bed

Mood fluctuations are also a major factor affecting sleep quality. If you are too anxious or too excited or too sad before going to bed, your brain will become more excited.

The secretion of cortical hormones in the human brain continues to increase. With neuroregulation disorders, people with insomnia will become more depressed, and it will bring serious sleep disorders, which will make people toss and turn, difficult to fall asleep.

Two, try to avoid drinking coffee or strong tea

Coffee, tea and other refreshing drinks can stimulate the human brain, making it more active and exciting. As a result, many people have difficulty falling asleep at the time when they should be sleeping.

Third, dinner needs to be reasonable

Eating too much will first affect the digestive function of the human body’s stomach organs, and then affect people’s sleep. When lying in bed, the food cannot be well digested in the stomach and intestines. You will feel unwell and have difficulty falling asleep.

Eating good habits can help you sleep better, avoid overeating dinners and stay away from greasy foods.

Fourth, create a high-quality sleep environment

A good sleep environment can help you fall asleep quickly.

Many people have difficulty falling asleep at night because of external influences, that is, the sleeping environment. Usually, the best sleeping environment is dark enough, no noise from the outside world, and no sleep in the bedroom. Unpleasant smell.

If the sleeping environment cannot meet these three points, it will inevitably cause people to toss and turn and it is difficult to fall asleep.

Especially in the room, try not to have strong light exposure, which is not conducive to the secretion of melatonin in the human body, thus making people unable to sleep deeply.

Insomnia, do I need medication?

Actually, not all insomnia problems need to be treated with sleeping pills.

If you suffer from insomnia for a long time, the doctor will choose some drug treatment options based on the actual situation of the patient, not only limited to sleeping pills.

Some patients suffering from insomnia for a long time may also be accompanied by high anxiety and depression and other emotions, so in addition to taking sleeping pills, they also need to solve mental, Blood pressure, etc..

If insomnia is caused by certain organic diseases, it is necessary to focus on the treatment of the primary disease.

Of course, if you really need to take sleeping pills, you should choose to take them at night as much as possible, and the duration should not exceed 4 weeks, and avoid taking the pills every day.

For the elderly and children, sleeping pills need to be taken reasonably under the guidance of a doctor.