How to identify at a glance whether a doctor has an object?

Once a doctor puts on a white coat to go to work, let alone a patient, even two doctors approaching each other sometimes do not know which department is opposite.

But the doctors in each department have their own unique temperament.

Round 1: Which of the following is a surgeon?


Correct answer: B

The surgeon operates all year round and is physically demanding

< span>Stand rest on one leg, change the left leg to the right leg, and it is easy to pick the foot

Round 2: Which of the following is an endocrinologist?

Golden Finger Moments : Click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct answer: A

Endocrinologists are exquisite people, no matter how bad their work is today (zang) lei), the soul should also smell the fragrance, and wash the fragrance and change into pajamas before going to bed

Round 3: Which of the following is a cardiologist?

<600>Moment of high energy : Click the blank space below to view the answer

Correct answer: B

Cardiologists never consult with a stethoscope

Always dislikes other doctors’ stethoscopes for being unusable

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Round 4: Which of the following is a laboratory physician?

Round 5: Which of the following is a gastroenterologist?

Cheat high-energy moment: Click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct Answer: A

The feces and urine farts are the most loyal friends of the gastroenterologist, and they pledge to never leave.

So how can you despise your old iron?

Round 6 : Which of the following is an anesthesiologist?

Round 7: Which of the following is an anesthesiologist?

Gold finger high-energy moment: Click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct Answer: Neither AB

Do you know how busy an anesthesiologist is, never seeing light

so how is it possible Anytime you see an anesthesiologist!

< span>Round 8: Which of the following is a female obstetrician?

Golden Finger Moments : Click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct answer: A

Gynecologist’s temper was proportional to walking speed

< p>Rage in the chest, Hot Wheels in the foot

Round 9: Which department doctor does the following cartoon character represent?

A: Surgeon B: Anesthesiologist

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Gold finger high-energy moment: click the blank space below to view the answer


Correct Answer: A

< span>How the surgeon (boyfriend) waits for the anesthesiologist (girlfriend) to anesthetize (make up) before surgery (downstairs).

Holding his chest with his hands, his face expressionless, his eyes turned to the sky, his stomach held out. There are a hundred impatient people in my heart, and I have to pretend to be calm.

< span>Round 10: Which of the following is the director?

Click the blank space below to view the answer

Correct Answer: Both AB

Director Usually go to the cafeteria to eat early, because they usually go to work 0.5-1h earlier

If you find young people at this point, it is usually from the medical department

Round 11 : What is the name of the doctor who signs below?

A: High School B: Yongli


Cheat high-energy moment: click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct answer: AB is wrong

Don’t ask me why

The doctor himself said to be Cheng Juan

Round 12: What is the medicine prescribed by the doctor?

A: erythromycin ointment B: metronidazole

Gold finger high-energy moment: click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct Answer: A

Erythromycin ointment is squeezed out like this!

Are the doctors in the pharmacy very good!

< span>Round 13: Which of the following doctors has mines at home?

pgThe Golden Finger : Click the blank area below to view the answer

Correct answer: AB none span>

Although rich people are generally happier,

But who would study medicine if they had mines at home!

How is it, doctor Isn’t his temperament very fascinated, yet elegant in the high cold, revealing playfulness and a little dashing.

The anesthesiologist is like a native inhabitant on the beach in Hawaii, and the obstetrician is like stepping on a hot wheel to duel with the third prince. Zha……

Here, you must ask, then you didn’t say how to identify whether a doctor has a target at a glance ?

Shh! How can a mature doctor care about the object!

What is the unique temperament of the doctors in your department? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss~

Picture: Kai QianSubmission: [email protected]