The most life-saving habit is not smoking, not drinking, but these three

Source: Dulan (ID: dulantea)

It is a blessing to live a good life, and it is a skill to live forever

What is the longest human life span?

Some people say 150 years old, some people say 125 years old, this has not been conclusive, but the average human life expectancy has long been reported.

According to the World Health Organization’s statistics on the average life expectancy of 183 sovereign countries in 2018, the average life expectancy of the Chinese is 76.4 years old , ranked 53rd.

According to this standard, living to 77 years old is actually more than most people.

A person’s life expectancy is often related to his living habits. Many people know that smoking is harmful to health, and alcohol has a risk of cancer.

In fact, the most life-saving habits are not smoking or drinking, but these three points.


Don’t take emotions seriously< /span>

Traditional Chinese Medicine:

“Happiness hurts the heart, anger hurts the liver, pain hurts the lungs, thinking hurts the spleen, and fear hurts the kidney.”

World Health Organization research shows that:

90% of the world’s diseases are emotionally related.

It can be seen that emotional quality is inextricably linked with physical health. The most foolish thing a person can do is to let his emotions vent without knowing how to restrain them, saying “I’m like this” angrily, and looking for medicine for the disease that comes out of anger Eat, fall into a vicious circle without knowing it. On the African savannah, wild and untamed wild horses often die. They are not killed by lions, leopards or other beasts, but by a vampire bat. After research by zoologists, it was found that the amount of blood sucked by vampire bats is not enough to kill wild horses. The real reason for the death of wild horses is their own rage. After being bitten, those wild horses will run wild in a hurry to get rid of the bat, and often die of exhaustion in the end. Just like in our life, we are angry because of some inadvertent small frictions, and then hurt our body because of anger. A small heart is a small world, a big heart is a big world. The first way to avoid “reducing life” is to manage your emotions, relax your mind, don’t get angry over trivial things, and keep a good mood at all times. Zhao Puchu said: “When the sun rises from the East China Sea and the West Mountains fall, there will be one day of sorrow and one day of joy. When things go wrong, people will be at ease and their hearts will be at ease.”So People, don’t take your emotions seriously. Paying attention to your emotions and managing your emotions is the first key to physical health.


Don’t take pain seriously

I have a friend who occasionally felt a dull pain in his teeth when he was eating for the past two years. Friends suggested that he go to the dentist. , but he didn’t take it seriously, always saying: “It’s all occasional, it’s fine in the past.” As a result, this year, the pain in the teeth worsened, and I had to go to the hospital. After the examination, I found that the tooth decay was delayed and had formed pulpitis. What could have been done with a few hundred yuan has become a necessity. It costs thousands of dollars and has to suffer more. This kind of example can be seen everywhere. Many people don’t pay attention to minor illnesses and pains, and go to the hospital only after the minor illnesses become serious ones. By then, it is often too late. Don’t take pain seriously. Humans have evolved over thousands of years and have undergone many changes in their bodies, but the pain has remained. It makes sense. The body is speechless, pain is its only sound. Anyone who ignores pain will be punished by the body. Just like when we were young, we didn’t pay attention to disease, but in middle-aged and old age, when the disease has worsened, we can’t regret it. Remember! Pain is the body’s warning to people. When you feel physical pain or discomfort, it is best to go for a check-up, or develop the habit of regular check-ups. It is better to be a false alarm than to give the disease an opportunity. Don’t delay a small problem into a big one, and don’t turn prevention into a cure. 03Don’t take the present seriouslyConfucius’ disciple Ji Lu once asked about his death Confucius replied:

“How can you know death without knowing life?”

When people are alive, they must know why they are alive, Instead of always thinking about the afterlife. In the same way, people live in the secular world, looking forward to the future, looking back on the past, it does not matter, the premise is to live in the present. “Live in the moment” is not an empty phrase, but a summary of practice. Life is mostly about fighting for the future, while ignoring the current affairs, just like a train, only looking forward to the end, will miss the scenery along the way. Everyone’s birth and death are monotonous to the same, only the life in the process is full of unknown and mysterious cause and effect. Don’t take the present seriously, after all, if a person can’t even understand his present, what future can he have? I really liked the snow leopard scene in the Daydream movie. In the movie, the famous photographer Sean searched for a long time on the snowy mountains in order to photograph the snow leopard. When he finally found the snow leopard, he refused to photograph the snow leopard. He said:

“If I like a moment, I mean when I personally like it, I don’t like the camera distracting me, I just want to be immersed in that moment.”< /span>

Nowadays people are too greedy for long-term possession. When they see beautiful scenery and good things, they want to imprison it in a photo frame. Forgot to experience the beauty of being there. Flowers have the best appreciation season, and life is no exception. The present is always the best appreciation stage in life. When you have something, you should cherish it. If you don’t know how to cherish it, you can’t have it. Don’t take the present seriously, what we should learn is to live in the present, not worry about the past, not worry about the future, and cherish everything that exists.

In life, crises are often accompanied by 70 real Not easy. The future has not yet come, the past has passed, and living in the present is the best state. Pay attention to the damage of emotions to the body, pay attention to the signals that pain gives us, pay attention to the value given to us at the moment, don’t waste your time, let alone make your body desolate. It is a blessing to live a good life, and it is a skill to live to the end, these three bad habits that reduce life expectancy than tobacco and alcohol, no matter how old you are, you must be vigilant . < /mpprofile>< /span>

Author: Du Lanjun, source: Dulan (ID: dulantea), in American language , be the ferryman of your soul.

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