New Deal: Electronic cigarettes usher in the strongest supervision

Today is May 1st, the Labor Day holiday, and the day when a group of new laws and new policies related to people’s livelihood officially take effect.

One ​​of these regulations is closely related to national health. The implementation of the “Measures for the Administration of Electronic Cigarettes” has ushered in the strongest supervision of electronic cigarettes.

Image source: CCTV News Client

What are the changes in the new management method? Are these changes good for health? Today, let’s talk about the “New Deal on Electronic Cigarettes”.

E-cigarettes backfire

The birth of electronic cigarette is not a sudden inspiration, but the continuous iteration and updating of similar ideas of many people. The prototype of modern electronic cigarettes began to be sold at the beginning of this century.

The specific ideas of these inventors may be different, but they all share a vision, hoping that the electronic cigarette of electronic cigarette products can replace real tobacco burning to reduce tobacco health harm.

In theory, this is possible. If you can simulate the feeling of real smoking, keep those pleasant and pleasant ingredients, and remove the parts that are more likely to hurt people, e-cigarettes can be safer than real burning tobacco products and help smokers get rid of the harm of smoking.

But that backfired. It has not waited for the research and improvement to promote e-cigarettes to achieve the purpose of reducing injury and smoking cessation, and the lack of supervision of e-cigarette sales has brought more harm.

Tobacco products are clearly harmful, but after years of application, there is already a regulatory system that requires higher costs to smoke to harm oneself and others. This is an invisible limitation. The entry of electronic cigarettes into the market, driven by profit, and the use of lax supervision, expand the consumer group from old smokers, attracting more people, especially young people.

People who used to smoke did not switch to e-cigarettes much, but young people who did not smoke became addicted to e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes are less harmful. Compared with traditional tobacco products, there are still some health risks. If more consumers are attracted, the harm to the whole society will be greater.

The two magic weapons of electronic cigarettes are colorful and diverse flavors and marketing that is closer to young people.

Young people, because of their closeness and subtle influence, take this as a trend, and more diverse tastes can try to lower the acceptance threshold.

E-cigarettes violate the original intention.

As in this picture:

“Would you like to add yourself to nicotine?

—I don’t want to!

—What if I told you it was strawberry? “

Image source: Internet

E-cigarettes under strictest supervision

Only by managing e-cigarettes and cutting off the attractiveness of colorful flavors and specific marketing to young people can e-cigarettes return to the original intention of “smoking cessation products”.

This is a work that countries around the world have gradually started in recent years, and it is also the core content of this domestic “Administrative Measures for Electronic Cigarettes”.

Article 18 of the Measures: Ordinary primary and secondary schools, special education schools, secondary vocational schools, specialized schools, and kindergartens are not allowed to set up electronic cigarette product sales outlets.

Article 21: It is prohibited to hold exhibitions, forums, expositions, etc. that promote electronic cigarette products in various forms.

Article 22: The sale of vaping products to minors is prohibited.

Article 23: The use of self-service vending machines such as vending machines to sell or disguised sales of electronic cigarette products is prohibited.

Article 26: Prohibits the sale of flavored e-cigarettes other than tobacco flavors and e-cigarettes that can be vaped.

These new regulations, if enforced effectively, will strictly limit the use of electronic cigarettes, try not to let the original non-smokers come into contact with electronic cigarettes, and only let the old smokers choose to try them Electronic cigarettes, hoping to play the possible smoking cessation function of electronic cigarettes.

From current research, whether e-cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking is still controversial, and some evidence suggests that there may be a limited effect. Up to now, major societies in the world do not recommend active use of e-cigarettes to quit smoking. After limiting the scope of e-cigarette use,In the future, we can continue to improve the smoke formula, strive to improve the possibility of quitting traditional tobacco products, and help quit smoking to reduce tobacco harm.

E-cigarettes locked in a cage are likely to be good e-cigarettes.

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Planning: Eric | Producer: Feidi

Cover image source: Dr. Lilac Design Team