What if people who smoke and drink also like to drink tea? Can it eliminate the dangers of tobacco and alcohol?

There are more and more “bad habits” in modern life, such as sitting for a long time, playing with mobile phones, greasy diet, etc., but the top two are still smoking and drinking , and difficult to quit.

To make matters worse, many smoked and drank alcohol, often accompanied by tea. Many smokers and drinkers like to drink tea, in order to understand the toxicity of tobacco and hangover, and it is said that it can also scrape the tar from the body.

So, can drinking tea really offset the harm of tobacco and alcohol? What kind of tea is suitable for different people?

I. Can drinking tea detoxify tobacco and alcohol?

“Sleep after eating, get up two bowls of tea” – it turns out that our great poet Bai Juyi also likes to drink tea.

Nowadays when it comes to tea, many people associate it with health, and even say that drinking tea can prevent cancer. In response, a study of 500,000 Chinese people’s tea drinking habits was published in the European Journal of Epidemiology.

The researchers recorded the amount of tea the participants usually drank and compared the number of cancer occurrences during this period. The results came to a surprising conclusion: Compared with people who drank less tea, drinking People with more tea had a higher risk of cancer.

Further analysis found that among the participants, people who drink tea are more likely to like smoking and drinking, and their overall cancer risk is higher than those who drink tea. People who don’t smoke or drink. In addition, when participants did not smoke or drink excessively, those who consumed more than 4 grams of tea per day had a higher risk of developing gastric cancer than those who drank tea less than once a week. strong>.

In other words, drinking tea does not have a significant effect on cancer prevention, and if it is combined with tobacco and alcohol, it will increase the risk and cannot reduce the harm.

When smoking, the smoke mainly enters the lungs. In addition to the physical hazards caused by solid particles, there are also tar, nicotine, etc. Chemical hazards from hazardous substances. However, the tea water of drinking tea enters the stomach and enters the blood after being absorbed, it does not have the effect of clearing the lungs and scraping tar.

Similarly, Drinking tea is not a cure for alcohol. In fact, drinking tea after drinking may be bad for the kidneys. Theophylline can be a diuretic. Drink tea before alcohol is completely decomposed. Under the diuretic effect, alcohol will enter the kidneys, stimulate the kidneys and damage health.

Second, there are so many benefits of drinking tea

However, although drinking tea can not detoxify tobacco and alcohol, it still has many benefits for the body , for example:

1. Helps in anti-oxidation

Tea contains more tea polyphenols, which have anti-oxidative effects and can clear the body excess free radicals. Studies have found that tea polyphenols have stronger antioxidant effects than vitamin E.

2. Help to drink more water

Drinking more tea is equivalent to drinking more water, provided that the concentration of tea is not too high. Water is the source of life, and all life activities of the human body require the participation of water. Drinking more water has many benefits, such as lowering uric acid levels, preventing gout; lowering the concentration of metabolites in urine, preventing urinary tract diseases such as urinary tract stones; accelerating gastrointestinal motility, preventing constipation, etc.

3. Good for brain health

Researchers from the National University of Compared with people who drink tea, those who drink tea regularly have a more reasonable organization of brain regions related to cognition, which may reduce the risk of cognitive decline in the elderly by 50%. This study is the first to show that drinking tea is good for brain health.

4. Improve gastrointestinal motility

The study found that some tea extracts can regulate the secretion of gastric acid, promote gastric motility, and promote intestinal Creep. Other studies have found that tea has a certain role in regulating intestinal flora, regulating the permeability of intestinal mucosal cells, and reducing the risk of diarrhea.

Therefore, drinking tea in moderation is still beneficial to the body, but it will not have the function of detoxifying tobacco and alcohol. The best way to avoid smoking and alcohol poisoning is to not smoke or drink alcohol.

Third, what type of tea should you drink for your constitution, are you drinking it right?

Did you know that different tea leaves have different production processes and are suitable for people with different constitutions. Therefore, if you want to drink tea to be beneficial to your body, you also need to look at your personal constitution and choose the right tea.

Black tea: It belongs to fermented tea, which is sweet and warm in nature, warms the stomach, warms the spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. After fermentation, although the tea polyphenols, caffeine and other substances in black tea are reduced, it is more suitable for people with caffeine intolerance.

Green tea: It is a non-fermented tea, slightly cold, which helps to reduce fire, suitable for people with internal heat constitution and stomach heat. On the contrary, people with cold body, stomach ulcers, and insomnia are not suitable for drinking.

Green tea: Also known as oolong tea, it is neither cold nor hot, pungent, cool and sweet. It can clear away heat and moisten the lungs.

Dark tea: It belongs to post-fermentation tea, which has the functions of warming the spleen and stomach, promoting fluid and quenching thirst, digestion and phlegm, especially suitable for people with deficiency and cold constitution

strong>, the elderly are also suitable for drinking.

Fourth, drink less of these three kinds of “tea”

Of course, not all teas are beneficial. The following three kinds of “teas” should be drunk as little as possible, and it is best not to drink them.

·strong tea

Some people have a stronger taste and prefer strong tea. However, strong tea contains high levels of tea polyphenols, caffeine and theanine, which may damage the gastric mucosa. It is not suitable for children, menstruating women, people with poor gastrointestinal function, and people who are sensitive to caffeine. .

·Hot tea

Tea can be drunk hot, but be careful not too hot. Our esophageal mucosa is very delicate, and the normal tolerance temperature is around 40℃~50℃. If you drink hot tea (temperature ≥65℃) frequently, it is easy to damage the esophagus mucosa. In the long run, it will affect the repair function of the mucosal epithelium and increase the risk of esophageal cancer. risks of.

·Moldy tea

Tea also has a shelf life, which does not mean that the longer it ages, the healthier it is. If improperly stored, the tea leaves become moldy, and may also contain aflatoxin (grade 1 carcinogen), which may lead to poisoning after drinking in large quantities, causing symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, and diarrhea. Long-term consumption may also lead to liver damage and even increase the risk of cancer.

In short, although drinking tea has many benefits, it cannot eliminate the harm caused by smoking and drinking to the body. Please don’t try to save your body while ruining your body, this will only make you more wanton smoking and drinking, which is not worth the loss!


[1]Health benefits linked to drinking tea. Retrieved Jul 19, 2019

[2]Li , X., Yu, C., Guo, Y. et al. Association between tea consumption and risk of cancer: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults. Eur J Epidemiol 34, 753–763 (2019). https:/ /doi.org/10.1007/s10654-019-00530-5

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