The good girl was infected with AIDS? Tragedy like this happens every year in the university!

Editor’s note: AIDS is the misfortune of all mankind, and the prevention of AIDS is also the responsibility of all mankind, let us speak out for “AIDS”: more love, less prejudice, more self-protection, Less misfortune comes.

Under the dazzling sphere of sunlight, there is an inconspicuous dark area known in astronomy as a sunspot. If the university campus is bright and sunny, Li Jie feels that she is the sunspot.

At the beginning of the year, the “+” sign on a test sheet indicated that Li Jie knew that she was infected with AIDS.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Li Jie, who just entered her sophomore year, never thought that one day she would be associated with the word “AIDS”.

A year ago in September, Li Jie stepped into her dream university campus full of expectations and dreams. Unexpectedly, a seemingly sweet first love made her life happen. Earth-shaking changes.

One, a bolt from the blue: once it will be, it will become the beginning of a nightmare

From a high school in a small city to a university campus, Li Jie found that foreign students could be seen everywhere in the school, which made her feel very novel and felt that her university was very “international”.

One ​​day, when she was bored, Li Jie turned on her mobile phone in the dormitory and found that someone “nearby” asked to add her as a WeChat friend. She clicked on his avatar and found that it was a foreign student. .

“I thought I could take this opportunity to practice speaking, so I added him.” Li Jie accepted the request and started chatting with the foreign student on the other end of the phone.

As we chatted, the more we talked, the more speculative we became. This foreign boy named Dusan was outgoing and open-minded. He always took the initiative to share his life with Li Jie. time gradually narrowed.

In the spare time, Li Jie will also bring Du Sang to get acquainted with the campus. The two help each other to complement each other’s language. Li Jie teaches him Chinese, and Du Sang teaches Li Jie English. , the relationship became closer and closer, and soon fell in love.

Not long after confirming the relationship, the attentive Li Jie unexpectedly discovered that her strong-looking boyfriend was actually a sick child. Doubly considerate to take care of her boyfriend.

“We went on a trip together a few months ago, and in the hotel, he offered to have a relationship with me. At that time, he was overwhelmed by love, and although he was reluctant, he agreed to it. .”

Second, what Li Jie didn’t expect was that that time will be the beginning of her nightmare

A few days later, Toussaint lost contact. Li Jie was worried that her boyfriend was quarreling with her and couldn’t think of it, so she went directly to Dusang’s counselor to ask about the situation.

“Toussaint was found to have AIDS and was sent home a few days ago.”

This news was like a bolt from the blue to Li Jie, and she suddenly felt a world spin when she remembered that she had had unsafe sex.

Current situation of AIDS in Chinese universities:

Officially, more than 3,000 new cases are added every year

Some frightening data:

Image source: Internet screenshot

Image source: Internet screenshot

The second quarter national AIDS and STD epidemic report released by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that a total of 820,756 cases of surviving HIV (HIV) infection/AIDS patients were reported nationwide, and HIV was newly discovered this quarter. There were 40,104 infected/AIDS patients [1]. It can be seen that China has long been a “deserved” AIDS country, and the frequent reports by the media are not groundless.

It is worth noting that in recent years, young students like Li Jie have “suddenly emerged” among the huge group of AIDS patients, quietly becoming a force “not to be underestimated” .

On November 23, the National Health Commission released a set of latest data at a press conference. In 2017, there were 3,077 new cases of HIV infection in colleges and universities across the country. What should be the most beautiful university campus in my life has now become a high-incidence and hard-hit area for AIDS.

China Number of HIV-infected young students from 2005 to 2012

According to reports, the average annual growth rate of HIV infection among college and high school students aged 15 to 24 in my country has reached 35%. As of the end of October 2015, 10 provinces in my country have reported more than 100 cases of student infection [3].

Three, the bitter fruit of ignorance: more than half of college students do not understand AIDS

After the diagnosis, Li Jie almost collapsed and even thought of suicide several times.

“Why is it infected? Why is it me?” This was the question she was most eager to figure out at the time.

“At that time, I couldn’t eat or sleep, and I searched the Internet for information about AIDS every day.”

During that time, through the Internet and books, Li Jie was first comprehensively popularized with AIDS knowledge.

However, the more she learned about it, the more she hated her ignorance.

But she is far more than the ignorant college student. A survey shows that nearly half of the freshman students who have just entered the university campus have insufficient awareness of AIDS, and only 42.8% College students know how AIDS is transmitted; what is even more frightening is that less than 10% of college students know how to prevent AIDS [3].

These data have to make people sigh that the reason why AIDS is “raging” on campus is that countless college students are paying for their ignorance with their lives!

Sex seems to be much more accepted on college campuses than one might think.

In 2015, a survey was conducted on undergraduates in 34 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Xi’an, etc., which was divided into males and females and grades. % accept sexual liberation and freedom, 67.1% accept premarital sex, and nearly 70% of students accept unmarried cohabitation [4].

Li Jie has also always emphasized that everything she does is because of love, “I loved him too much and believed in him too much at the beginning, and I wanted to meet all the demands he made. He was the one who made the big mistake in the end.”

4. Lack of Sex Education: Who Is Not Ready?

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Li Jie, who went through all this and was studying abroad alone, did not dare to tell her family about it.

“When I think about it now, it seems like yesterday I was a good daughter lying on my parents’ knees and acting like a spoiled child, and now, I’m just a confused college student infected with AIDS.” Li Jie was born in a small southern school. In town, my father works odd jobs outside the city, and my mother is a housewife who can’t read big letters. The family is not well-off, so she does her whole family’s efforts to provide her with education.

In a family like Li Jie, the topic of “sex education” seems to come from another world. In Li Jie’s youth, parents and teachers often talked about studying these four words. Besides, no one could tell her what AIDS was? How is it spread? And no one told her how to protect herself when interacting with the opposite sex?

A university conducted a survey on the sources and channels of students’ sexual knowledge. The results showed that more than 80% of students obtained sexual knowledge through “books, newspapers, magazines, film and television works, and computer networks”. 11% came from “talks from others”, 3% from teachers, but very little from parents [3].

In the eyes of countless college students, love is free and sex is free, but behind this freedom lies a deadly danger. “Going to university is like entering a new world of freedom. There are countless temptations, and sex, a strange and familiar thing, is one of them.”

However, when most students were asked if they had ever received sex education, their impressions were mostly vague and unfamiliar.

“In the youth education class in junior high school, the teachers always follow the script. When they talk about some places, a few boys will occasionally make a fuss, and at other times, no one is interested in listening. The parents never Talking about sex at home was ‘self-taught’.”

A statistical survey found that only 13.3% of students in my country have received sex education; 58.4% of college students have not received sex education, and 58.2% of college students think that the content of sex education in colleges and universities is too high too conservative [3].

While countless parents and teachers blamed the college students who contracted AIDS due to “oversight” for not valuing life, have they ever thought that they also have their own responsibility?

With the arrival of sexual maturity in adolescence, children will naturally become interested in sex. If parents and teachers still hide and tuck in, and can’t open their mouths, curiosity will drive children to go through other ways. To understand sex, the Internet is full of high-risk sexual behaviors, sexual violence and even sexual crimes pornography will become the only way for children to understand sex education. tragedy.

V. Discrimination on campus: AIDS is not a monster, but prejudice is invisibly ingrained

After becoming HIV-infected, Li Jie suffered from mental torment for a while, from the school, teachers, and even friends.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

“After contracting AIDS, I found out that discrimination from others is more terrifying than the pressure of life and death.”

After her illness, Li Jie heard too much about the injustices suffered by AIDS patients. “After being infected with AIDS, some people turn against their family members. If they are students, they may be regarded as a plague by their classmates and teachers, and company employees may be directly deprived of their right to work…”

The public regards AIDS as a scourge, and prejudice has long been deeply ingrained.

Last year, the topic of “AIDS scumbag showing off and infecting a sophomore girl” on Weibo caused heated discussions and public outrage. People’s Daily even issued an article saying that the most severe Means of punishment, let the scum pay the price that should be paid.

It was also suggested in the comments that, in addition to the ignorant condemnation, we should also see the source of the problem.

“HIV-infected people are inherently desperate and have low self-esteem. When they do not receive support from society and their families, and suffer long-term discrimination and injustice from the outside world, they are prone to retaliation. Psychological.”

It is true that AIDS patients have been suffering from both physical and psychological torture for a long time, and the last straw that crushes them is often not the suffering of illness, but the unwarranted discrimination and accuse.

“We have surveyed that the condom use rate of students who have had sexual experience is less than 40%. In addition, they are in a sexually active period and are easily influenced by the outside world and have unsafe sex. Go to college Before, it is very important to let them have the correct sexual concept, sexual morality, and sexual awareness.” Han Mengjie, researcher of the AIDS prevention center of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at a recent press conference of the National Health and Medical Commission.


[1]The national AIDS and STD epidemic in the second quarter of 2018[J]. China AIDS and STD, 2018(8)..[M].

[2] Zhang X, et al. The HIV/AIDS epidemic among young people in China between 2005 and 2012: results of a spatial temporal analysis[J]. Hiv Medicine, 2017, 18 (3):141..[J].

[3] He Sheng, et al. Epidemic trend of AIDS among young students and countermeasures for prevention and control [J]. China AIDS and STD, 2018(2)..[M].


*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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