It turns out that the calcium content of this food is nearly 9 times higher than that of milk!

When we were young, we needed to supplement calcium, because calcium supplementation can grow our body, and the most important thing is to grow taller.

When we grow up, we need to supplement calcium, because calcium supplementation can prevent osteoporosis, and many chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, are also related to calcium deficiency.

Why calcium matters!

A bone that includes the periosteum, marrow, and bone.

Periosteum is a dense layer of fibrous membrane covering the surface of the bone. This layer of fibrous membrane is very strong. The bone marrow is the hematopoietic tissue, and the bone is the strongest part of the bone. One of its main components is calcium.

Generally speaking, the majority of the calcium in the body resides in the bones and teeth.

In addition, human bones are renewed every day, and enough calcium is needed to maintain healthy growth and development of the body. Therefore, calcium also needs to be renewed every day.

Once there is not enough calcium in the body, the connections between calcium will not be high enough and become tight enough, and bone growth will be restricted, resulting in thin and fragile bones. It is easy to cause children to grow taller (but the main reason is genetic problems), dental health problems, or osteoporosis in young people and the elderly.

So, calcium supplementation has always been very important.

In addition to taking calcium tablets, many people still rely on dietary supplements for calcium supplementation. But which foods are high in calcium? Can drinking soup provide calcium? 3 truths about calcium supplementation…

1. What are the high calcium foods?

In general, the most common calcium supplements are dairy and soy products. The calcium content of 100 grams of milk is about 107mg, and the calcium content of 100 grams of tofu is about 105~113mg.

heightGreen leafy vegetables are also easy to ignore, Foods with higher content, such as dark green vegetables such as small rape, water spinach and broccoli, are also not low in calcium content, all in the range of 90 to 200 mg.

However, some green leafy vegetables contain oxalic acid, which is not conducive to the absorption of calcium in the human body. It is recommended to blanch them in water before eating, which can improve the absorption rate. [2]

Some people have to say, Shrimp skin is a well-deserved high-calcium food. The calcium content of every 100 grams of shrimp skin is about 990 mg, which is close to that of milk. 9 times higher. Although the calcium content of dried shrimp is high, it cannot be eaten as rice, and its salt content is also high, so calcium absorption is not good, so it cannot be used as the first choice for calcium supplementation. In contrast, other high-calcium aquatic products such as river prawns, clams, razor clams, and yellow croaker are more suitable for supplementation.

Calcium supplement

im In addition, what most people don’t know is thatsesame paste is also a “small calcium supplement”, containing 560 mg of calcium per 100 grams of sesame paste.Of course, sesame paste also Can’t eat every day.

In this way, eat more green leafy vegetables to ensure the daily intake of milk, soy products and aquatic products to better supplement calcium.

2. Drink bone broth without calcium

Many people think that drinking more boneHead soup can supplement calcium. While it’s true that bones are high in calcium, calcium in bones is in the form of phosphates, which are poorly soluble in water.

Bone is boiled into soup, and it is difficult to produce a lot of calcium for the body to absorb. Therefore, drinking more bone broth to supplement calcium is not effective. There is very little calcium and more fat. [3]

3. The most important step in calcium supplementation is to absorb the calcium ingested through food

, and cannot be directly absorbed and utilized by the human body, it needs to be decomposed and diffused in the process of food digestion. Among them, not all the calcium that enters the body will be absorbed and utilized, and some will be excreted from the intestines and kidneys.

Some people may be deficient in calcium even if they take in enough calcium. This may be due to poor living habits, or too many foods that affect calcium absorption at the same time, resulting in ineffective calcium supplementation.

It is vitamin D and vitamin K that help calcium absorption, so eating some sea fish, animal liver, etc. can promote calcium absorption.


[1] Yang Yuexin. Chinese Nutrition Table 6th Edition.Volume 1[M] .Peking University Medical Press: Beijing, 2019.

[2] Can eating green leafy vegetables also supplement calcium? Expert: The calcium content is not lost to milk

< span>[3] Can Bone Broth Supplement Calcium?

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