People who are often flustered should be careful, there are 7 signals before sudden death, and each one should be paid attention to~

Sudden death – a heavy topic that everyone is familiar with.

Especially in recent years, the problem of sudden death at a younger age is frequent, which makes more and more people anxious about it.

In our country, people die almost every minute

In fact, sudden death is not a specific disease.

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, sudden death refers to a patient who is usually healthy or seemingly healthy, but in an unexpectedly short period of time, Sudden death due to natural disease.

The short time here generally refers to within one hour after the acute onset, with a maximum of no more than 6 hours.

In clinical practice, sudden death is often divided into two categories—sudden cardiac death and non-cardiac sudden death.

Among them, sudden cardiac death accounted for a higher proportion.

According to the “China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2019” released by the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, the incidence of cardiac The number of sudden deaths is about 544,000.

This is equivalent to nearly 1,500 sudden deaths every day, and one person dies from cardiac causes every minute.

However, the rescue success rate is less than 1%.

The problem of sudden death in young and middle-aged people is more serious

Due to heart disease Sudden primary death is more common in patients with structural heart disease, and patients with coronary heart disease, severe arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, stroke and heart failure are more prone to sudden death.

Therefore, in our past cognition, the elderly are more likely to be recruited.

However, from the statistics of sudden death in recent years, the proportion of young people in sudden death is increasing.

What is the reason for this?

01Too much pressure

As society continues to Development, changes in people’s living environment, and increased stress in life and work lead to an increase in risk factors for underlying diseases in the population.

Bad lifestyle habits such as overtime, overwork, smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc., eventually make cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases younger.

Among them, IT programmers, doctors, business executives, athletes and other occupations are more common.

02Sick without knowing it

with Compared with the elderly, young and middle-aged people tend to ignore the disease signals sent by the body more easily.

Even if they feel uncomfortable, they seldom take medicines, check-ups and other health maintenance, which makes many young and middle-aged hearts very likely to be premature. There was a problem, but I didn’t know it.

In this state, if you still work overtime and stay up late, are overworked, and have an unhealthy lifestyle, it will be like giving a heavy blow to the already weak heart.

Before sudden death, there are obvious reminders

Although Sudden death occurs quickly and violently, but in fact, many warning signals are often given before it comes!

01Recent frequent chest tightness

If recent recurrent Chest tightness occurs after activity, which can be relieved after resting for a period of time, and it is necessary to be highly careful of coronary heart disease.

In the event of acute myocardial infarction, sudden death may be induced.

02Frequent panic

palpitation is usually a subjective feeling of rapid heart rate, and its occurrence is mostly related to tachyarrhythmia.

Although most arrhythmias do not cause sudden death, ventricular arrhythmias occur frequently and may develop into Ventricular fibrillation, if not rescued in time, also has the risk of sudden death.

03Unexplained syncope< p>

Syncope is a disorder of consciousness caused by transient cerebral insufficiency due to various reasons, and its occurrence may be associated with some fatal heart diseases.

04Feeling tired for no reason< p>

Excluding factors such as physical and mental exhaustion, lack of sleep, illness, etc., if there isunexplained long-term fatigue and fatigue, accompanied by chest tightness, edema, etc.< /span>, should be alert to the possibility of cardiomyopathy or myocarditis.

05Unexplained chest pain< p>

A variety of fatal heart diseases can cause chest pain. If you have chest pain symptoms of unknown cause, you need to go to the hospital in time to clarify the cause.

06Black eyes or numbness in limbs

Stroke is also an important cause of sudden death, especially hypertension,Patients with coronary heart disease or atrial fibrillation should go to the hospital immediately once they have stroke symptoms such as black eyes and limb numbness.


Before the onset of some diseases, such as myocardial infarction, hypoglycemia, etc., certain parts of the body such as the neck, back, scalp, palms or soles of the feet, etc. will have a large amount of Sweat, you should be vigilant at this time, beware of sudden cardiac death.

How can sudden death be prevented?

01Keep away from sudden death triggers

such as mental stress< span>, strenuous exercise, excessive fatigue, overeating, mild external force, infection, overheating and cold, etc..

02Change bad work habits

Less stay up late, However, make sure you get enough sleep.

03Regular exercise

Enhance cardiopulmonary function and improve physical function.

04healthy eating

Quit smoking and drinking, eat a light diet, low in oil and fat, and eat more green vegetables and fruits.

05Learn to release emotions

Cultivate your own hobbies and find a way to release when the pressure comes.

06Be optimistic

Relieve worry and avoid anxiety.

07Keep medicines with you

Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should take medicine on time as prescribed by the doctor. In addition, patients with coronary heart disease should carry emergency medicines such as nitroglycerin and Suxiao Jiuxin pills with them.

08Regular physical examination

Prevention is better than cure.

Tips p>

The golden rescue time for sudden death is generally 4 to 6 minutes after sudden death.

Therefore, when we find that someone around us has sudden cardiac arrest, do not hesitate to call 120 immediately and confirm the safety of the surrounding environment. If necessary, perform manual chest compressions or manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a timely manner according to the instructions of the emergency personnel.

If there is an automatic external defibrillator (AED) nearby, perform AED rescue while ensuring cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

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This article is based on popular science China, human health, etc. .

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