Suqian, Jiangsu added 3 new cases of positive nucleic acid test for new coronary pneumonia, April 28. According to the “Suqian Release” WeChat public account, the Office of the Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic in Suqian City, Jiangsu Province issued a notice on the 28th that from 0:00 to 24:00 on April 27th, Suqian added 3 new cases of COVID-19 nucleic acid test positive people. They are critically ill patients and their escorts who were transferred from other provinces and cities to Suqian City on the afternoon of April 25. The family members have reported to the community in advance, and the whole process will be closed-loop transferred to the city’s Yellow Code Hospital for routine During the screening, it was found that 2 of them were asymptomatic infections of new coronary pneumonia, and one was a severe case of new coronary pneumonia. Currently, they are all closed-loop transferred to designated hospitals for isolation management and treatment.

Please consciously abide by the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control, do not believe or spread rumors, continue to increase awareness of prevention, do a good job in personal protection, insist on wearing masks, maintain social distance, pay attention to personal hygiene, and timely vaccinate against the new crown virus vaccine. If you have symptoms such as fever and cough, under the premise of personal protection, go to the nearest fever clinic of a medical institution in time for treatment.

Screenshot of “Suqian Release” WeChat Official Account