Adhere to “tiptoe” for 15 minutes every day, after a period of time, it may help you stay away from these 5 major troubles

Uncle Wang in the community recently fell in love with a sport, tiptoe. Go to the park every morning to “show off” your “foot strength”, either standing on tiptoe or walking on tiptoe.

Uncle Wang said that this is a health care method that brings many benefits to the body. Not only strengthen muscles and bones, but also prolong life! Speaking of which, I did not forget to say proudly: I feel that I have regained my youthful feeling.

When it comes to exercising, there are many ways to exercise. Most people will choose Tai Chi, jogging, playing basketball, etc. The tiptoe method is not very common. However, it is a very effective exercise. So, is the effect of tiptoe really as “magical” as Uncle Wang said? Let Dr. Song take you to uncover the secrets.

Why “tiptoe” is advocated, these benefits are indispensable

Actually, there are many acupuncture points in our bottom of the foot >, These acupoints are closely connected with the tissues and organs in our body. The main acupoints on the soles of the feet are the plantar reflex zones of various organs in the body. That’s why, despite its small size, the soles of the feet are known as the “second heart” of the human body.

The meridians that flow through our feet are Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian, Yangqiao Meridian, Yinqiao Meridian and Foot Shaoyin Meridian of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians Kidney Meridian. Therefore, if you can do tiptoe exercise properly, you can stimulate the acupuncture points on the feet, and have a good promotion effect on the qi and blood circulation of these meridians, so as to achieve health preservation. effect.

Speaking of tiptoe, many people may think of ballet practitioners who practice difficult movements on tiptoe almost every day. At this time, someone may ask: Will dancing on tiptoe every day like they do, will it bring more benefits to the body?

Of course, for those who dance ballet all year round, prolonged tiptoes deform bones /strong>Well, this level of training is beyond what the average person can afford. We won’t even try. But let’s try 15 minutes a day on tiptoe. This has many benefits for the body. If you stick to it, your body will have obvious changes. Let’s find out together.

❶Exercise the muscles of the legs to enhance the strength and endurance of the lower limbs

As the saying goes, Legs age first. It’s true that most people’s aging begins with the muscles and bones of the legs. Older people are more or less accompanied by inflexible legs and gradually lose the ability to walk, run and jump when they were young. And tiptoeing is a very good exercise for them.

Proper long-term tiptoeing puts the leg muscles in a tense state, which can help exercise strengthening Calf muscles. Let us regain the function of leg movement. In addition, tiptoeing also has certain benefits for bones, not only strengthen bones, but also shape of legs, which can make legs more beautiful /strong>.

❷Loss Weight

Some women always feel like they’re on the verge of being fat, so they try to lose weight. I have tried almost all diet meals, diet pills, but to no avail. Even if it works, it will bounce quickly. In fact, what Dr. Song wants to tell those women who want to lose weight is that it is better to to be on tiptoe instead of trying to find a way out.

Long-term tiptoe exercise can quickly thin the calf. For many women, this may be rarely done. In the beginning, it’s possible that it won’t be able to support it. Even after standing on tiptoe for a few minutes, legs are sore. Some people may give up at this point.

In fact, this is the performance of the legs to be exercised. During this process, the fat in the legs can be well broken down. After a while, you’ll notice that not only are your legs muscle strength stronger, but your calves are also noticeably thinner. However, it is not recommended to stay on tiptoes for a long time, which may causeIf the calf is stronger, stick to it for about 15 minutes a day.

❸Preventing hemorrhoids

The vast majority of hemorrhoids are associated with internal hemorrhoids. Sedimentation related. Sitting or standing for long periods of time can cause blood pooling in the veins of the hemorrhoids due to the influence of gravity, inducing hemorrhoids.

When on tiptoe, levator ani motion is usually performed involuntarily, which makes the anal muscles in a contracted state. At this time, the blood accumulated in the rectal vein will return to the inferior cavity under the action of pressure, which can improve the problem of hemorrhoid congestion and relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids.

For friends who have never had hemorrhoids, frequent tiptoe movements can play a very good preventative effect. After all, no one wants to get hemorrhoids. I don’t even want to try the pain caused by hemorrhoids.

❹Improve blood circulation

Regular tiptoes can improve blood circulation, especially lower body circulation . Prolonged sitting or standing for a long time can easily lead to soreness and numbness of the legs and feet, and in severe cases, it may cause poor blood flow and varicose veins of the lower extremities. And tiptoe can improve this circulatory disorder.

Not only do our legs have large muscle groups, they also have large blood vessels. Proper tiptoeing allows regular contraction and relaxation of the leg muscles. When the legs are relaxed, blood perfusion to the muscles is increased, so that when the muscles squeeze the blood vessels, venous blood returns to the heart , thereby promoting blood circulation.

❺Relieves Low Back Pain

We all know that brisk walking can relieve low back fatigue and reduce pain. If tiptoeing is added to this, the effect may be better. Because tiptoeing can not only exercise the calf muscles, but also the gluteal muscles and waist muscles that are usually less active, and stimulate the three yin meridians of the foot.

It can relieve back pain. Especially for friends with back injuries, the effect will be more obvious if combined with exercise on the basis of treatment.

However, no matter what the purpose is, keep on tiptoe for a long time, not to give up halfway. And choose the right way to exercise, so that it will play its benefits.

How to tiptoe correctly?

Here’s how to correct tiptoeing. These methods can be operated regardless of time or venue. Whether at home or elsewhere, after sitting for a long time, you can get up and practice. Interested friends can collect it.

● Standing on tiptoe

1. Relax your body, keep your natural standing, with legs together, feet together, hands on hips


2, Hip lift, knee straight, heel lift (both feet can be done at the same time or alternately)

3, repeat ten times, which is a cycle. Do at least 15 minutes every day, and adjust the time according to your own situation. Maintain natural breathing during this process. Beginners can hold against the wall, and once they are proficient, they don’t need to use external objects.

● Walking on tiptoe

Walking on tiptoe is also a good method. Take 30-50 steps each time, with breaks in between. Then repeat according to your physical condition. You can adjust the speed according to what you are comfortable with, feel comfortable and relaxed.

For people who have been sedentary for a long time, this helps stimulate the meridians of the legs, promotes blood circulation, can well improve leg edema, relieve fatigue , to make the legs feel more comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, it is very beneficial to your health to take 15 minutes to walk on tiptoes every day.

● Tiptoe in Baduanjin

Speaking of tiptoe, there is one health exercise that cannot be ignored. That is the health preservation technique with a long history of 800 years – Baduanjin, the last action of which is called Baduanjin “Seven tremors on the back and all diseases disappear”. This action stimulates the system by toe tiptoes and heels, induces whole body vibration, and massages gently Five-organs and six-organs, which has the magical effect of eliminating all diseases. The specific methods are as follows:

Step 1: Stand upright with legs together and heels together.

Step 2: Slowly raise your upper body so that your hands are above your head, Palms face upwards. Keep your body steady during this process.

Step 3: Stretch your waist and lift up, lift your heels, stand on tiptoes, and place your weight on Point your toes and keep your eyes in balance with the front. Hold this movement for about 5 seconds..

Step 4: Lower the soles of your feet slowly, don’t finish it all at once, you can stop halfway through For a moment, vibrate vigorously when your heel touches the ground. (See the animation below for details.)

The above three methods are suitable for our daily exercise. Persistence for a long time will bring “quality” changes to our bodies, and may also make you younger and younger. However, even this simple exercise with many benefits is not possible in some cases.

Precautions for tiptoeing, to understand!

“Toe-toeing” is a slow exercise, so be sure to do it slowly and don’t push too hard. Friends who have not done this exercise before, start slowly. Otherwise, during exercise, you may fall down due to unsteady center of gravity; or may cause heel pain due to excessive force. That would be a bit of a loss.

Especially for the elderly, it is best to with the help of external objects when exercising. For example, you can use hands to support a wall or table and other sturdy objects. To avoid unexpected occurrences.

If you experience foot pain or calf pain during exercise, it is generally normal. You can bubble your feet with hot water to reduce the daily exercise time, or rest for a few days and wait until the pain is relieved before exercising .

Although tiptoeing is good, it is not suitable for everyone. It should be reminded here that elderly people with severe osteoporosis are not recommended to walk on tiptoes. In osteoporosis, bone fragility is increased due to damage of the bone’s microarchitecture. If you do tiptoe exercise at this time, your fragile bones may be broken because they can’t bear their own gravity.

Therefore, such people should try not to do this exercise, otherwise it will greatly increase the risk of fractures. Moreover, good nursing should be done in daily life to avoid the occurrence of fractures.


Having said so much, I believe you have a more comprehensive understanding of “tiptoe”. Yes, don’t think tiptoeing is just a small movement, but if you can persist, let alone for a month, you may be able to notice changes in your body. If you get used to the sport slowly, more benefits may come uninvited.

Okay, that’s it for today’s sharing, do you feel a little excited to see that the simple action of tiptoeing can bring so many benefits Woolen cloth? Action is worse than action, come and give it a try.