Do two co-ordination to win double victory

The reporter recently learned from the Weishan County Market Supervision Bureau that in response to the epidemic, the bureau focused on epidemic prevention supplies such as masks and disinfectants, as well as basic livelihood commodities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, vegetables, and milk that are closely related to people’s lives. The frequency and scope of large market price inspections and inspections will be strictly enforced, and the market price supervision of anti-epidemic materials and living materials will be strengthened to maintain market price order. The bureau insisted on moving the border forward, and promptly issued and posted the “Letter of Reminder and Warning on Stabilizing Market Price Order” to send a signal to all sectors of society to strengthen market price supervision. At the same time, smooth channels for complaints, actively deal with sensitive public opinions and complaints and reports on epidemic-related protective materials, daily necessities, etc., effectively resolve conflicts and disputes, and strictly investigate and deal with price violations in accordance with the law.

“At present, the prices of daily necessities such as rice, noodles, butter, and milk are relatively stable, and the overall supply of vegetables is sufficient.” There are 3 farmers’ markets and more than 150 pharmacies. The overall price is stable and the supply of living materials is sufficient. Except for the few fluctuations in the price of eggs, the prices of other commodities are relatively stable. More than 700 reminders and warning letters were issued to various business units, 6 companies were ordered to make corrections, and 1 company was put on file for investigation. No hoarding or price-gouging behavior was found.