Acupuncture can treat a variety of diseases, “needle” and “moxibustion” are two different things

Acupuncture is a unique Chinese treatment for diseases. It is a medical technique of “external treatment of internal diseases”. It treats systemic diseases through the conduction of meridians and acupoints, as well as the application of certain operating methods.

Acupuncture is composed of “needle” and “moxibustion”, the former is mainly acupuncture, the latter is multi-finger moxibustion, which is one of the important components of traditional Chinese medicine, and its content includes acupuncture theory In the process of formation, application and development, acupoints, acupuncture and moxibustion techniques and related instruments have distinct Chinese national culture and regional characteristics, and are valuable heritage based on Chinese national culture and scientific traditions.

Acupuncture and moxibustion is a unique Chinese method of treating diseases. It is through the function of meridians, acupoints, and the application of certain techniques to treat systemic diseases.

According to the diagnosis and treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, we can diagnose the cause, find out the key to the disease, identify the nature of the disease, and determine which meridian the disease belongs to. , Which viscera, identify which type it belongs to external and internal, cold and heat, and real, and make a diagnosis. Then carry out the corresponding acupoint prescription and treatment. To open the meridians, regulate qi and blood, make yin and yang return to relative balance, and make the functions of the zang-fu organs tend to harmonize, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases.

Benefits of Acupuncture

1. Unblock the meridians

It can make the blocked meridians unobstructed and play their normal physiological functions. direct therapeutic effect. Meridians “internally belong to the zang-fu organs, and externally connect to the limbs”, and running qi and blood is one of its main physiological functions.

The meridians and collaterals are blocked and the circulation of qi and blood is blocked. The clinical manifestations are pain, numbness, swelling, ecchymosis and other symptoms. Acupuncture and moxibustion select the corresponding acupoints and acupuncture techniques, as well as three-edged acupuncture for bleeding, so that the meridians and collaterals are unobstructed and the qi and blood run normally.

2. Reconcile Yin and Yang

Transforming the body from a state of yin and yang imbalance to a balanced state is the ultimate goal of acupuncture treatment. The mechanism of disease occurrence is complex, but it can be summed up as the imbalance of yin and yang in general. The function of acupuncture to reconcile yin and yang is accomplished through the properties of yin and yang of the meridians, the compatibility of meridians and acupoints and acupuncture techniques.

3. Strengthen the righteousness and eliminate evil spirits

It can support the body’s righteousness and expel disease and evil. The process of the occurrence, development and outcome of a disease is essentially a process of struggle between good and evil. Acupuncture and moxibustion treat diseases, is to play its role in strengthening the righteousness and eliminating pathogenic factors.

What diseases is acupuncture good for?

Acupuncture and moxibustion has its own indications, and it reflects the obvious advantages of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of the following types of diseases:

Acupuncture has its own indications. span>

Acute and Chronic Pain: Toothache, headache, joint pain, and pain from other causes.

Neurological disorders: Facial palsy, lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis, various neuritis, neuralgia, and Degenerative diseases, etc.

Gynecological diseases: Dysmenorrhea, premature ovarian failure, endometriosis, and reproductive assistance.

Dermatology: Intractable skin diseases such as herpes zoster, neurodermatitis, acne, etc.

Digestive tract disorders: Gastritis, bloating, etc. It can also relieve intractable constipation and diarrhea.

Children’s Diseases: Children’s indigestion, susceptibility to children and other common diseases.

What to pay attention to in acupuncture

1, overly hungry, tired

Acupuncture should be performed after resting and eating, otherwise it is easy to cause fainting. The performance of dizziness is sudden mental fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, pale complexion, and cold sweats. If the above situation occurs, you should inform the doctor in time. Acupuncture patients with dizziness usually return to normal after lying down and resting.

2. The pain caused by acupuncture is mainly when the needle penetrates the skin

Acupuncturists can reduce most of the pain to a completely tolerable mild level. For the first-time acupuncture patients, please do not be nervous and try to relax as much as possible to facilitate acupuncture. After the needle is inserted into the skin, the patient will usually feel acid, numbness, swelling, heaviness, or heat, coolness, itching, convulsions, ant-shaped sensations under the needle, and some acupoints may sometimes have varying degrees of electric shock or other acupuncture conduction and diffusion. This is a normal acupuncture reaction, and Chinese medicine calls it “Deqi”.

3. The patient should take a comfortable and natural position during the acupuncture operation

Otherwise, it is easy to get tired during the needle retention period; the limbs should not be moved during the needle retention period, so as to avoid adverse consequences such as needle folding, needle body displacement and accidental injury to the tissue. Some patients have some discomfort at the acupoints after acupuncture, which usually disappears within a few hours.

4. If you feel pain again after the needle is inserted into the skin

It may be that the needle tip hits the blood vessel, please tell the doctor so that the needle can be adjusted to avoid the blood vessel. Acupuncture sometimes touches small blood vessels and causes bleeding, which is inevitable. Except for some parts that affect the appearance, there is no harm to the human body. Small blood bags appearing at the pinhole should be pressed for more than 3 minutes, local small bruises, generally do not need to be treated, and can gradually subside on their own.

5. Eyes should be closed when acupuncture needles are retained

Reading books, newspapers, chatting on mobile phones, etc. will reduce the efficacy of acupuncture.

6. When using baking lamp or moxibustion

It is advisable to maintain a comfortable warm feeling locally on the acupoints. If you feel it is too hot, you should inform the doctor in time to avoid burns. If the patient’s skin sensory function is reduced, they should also inform the doctor to avoid unknowingly causing burns. When cupping and keeping the cups, generally no more than 10 minutes, otherwise blisters are likely to form. Please cooperate with the doctor to remember the time.

Who is not suitable for acupuncture?

diabetic patients: Even small needle openings are not easy to heal, if not handled carefully , may also cause infection.

People with coagulation disorders: For example, patients with hemophilia and thrombocytopenic purpura have a longer coagulation time than For a long time, acupuncture may cause the needle to bleed continuously.

Acupuncture should not be used for skin infections, ulcers and tumors, as it may be counterproductive and aggravate the disease.