Beijing must not delay the treatment of patients on the grounds of abnormal health codes, no negative nucleic acid results, etc.

On April 27, the 317th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Beijing was held. The reporter learned at the meeting that Li Ang, deputy head of the quarantine and testing working group of the Beijing New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission, and spokesman, said that during the new coronary pneumonia epidemic prevention and control period, in order to meet the basic medical services for the masses Demand, especially for special groups such as tumor patients, the medical treatment and hospital infection prevention team will coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and medical services, and make every effort to ensure the needs of basic medical services and the safety of patients seeking medical treatment.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the medical treatment and hospital infection prevention team has always adhered to the principle of people first and life first, and adopted measures such as optimizing processes, improving mechanisms, refining plans, unblocking channels, and strictly preventing hospital infection. Aspects of work:

First, improve the appointment diagnosis and treatment services. All the second-level and above medical institutions in the city have established a normal mechanism for non-emergency comprehensive appointments. Through accurate appointments in different time periods and grassroots appointments and referrals, patients are guided to seek medical treatment in a scientific manner and staggered to ensure that patients make appointments for medical treatment in an orderly manner.

The second is to unblock the emergency treatment channel. Reasonably set up emergency rescue rooms, operating rooms, and ward buffers for the treatment of critically ill patients. It is clearly required that the use of abnormal health codes or itinerary codes, typical symptoms of new coronary pneumonia such as fever, no negative nucleic acid test results or test results exceeding Time limit and other reasons for delaying treatment to ensure that critically ill patients receive treatment as soon as possible.

The third is to protect medical services for special groups. While adhering to the normalized epidemic prevention and control measures, we will continue to improve the work plan, refine the guarantee mechanism, organize actual combat simulation exercises, and focus on strengthening special groups such as critically ill patients, pregnant women, newborns, tumor patients, and patients with renal failure. and medical services for chronically ill patients.

Li Ang said that in the next step, he will urge all medical institutions to strictly implement the relevant work requirements for medical treatment guarantees, effectively guarantee the medical treatment of special groups such as tumor patients, and meet the basic health needs of the people.

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(Beijing Youth Daily)