It is reported on the Internet that there is a case of unexplained hepatitis among children in Beijing, and the response is here!

The Beijing Municipal Health Commission announced on the 27th that, after verification by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Health, it was untrue that there were unexplained cases of hepatitis among children in Beijing. At present, there have been no unexplained cases of childhood hepatitis and deaths resulting from it in Beijing.

In response to the relevant case information reported from abroad recently, in order to prevent the disease before it occurs and to protect the health and life safety of children in the capital area to the greatest extent, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission issued the “Notice on Strengthening the Treatment of Unexplained Hepatitis Cases in Children”. The purpose is to remind relevant medical institutions to increase their vigilance and pay attention to children with hepatitis caused by unknown causes. If such cases occur, the cause should be identified as soon as possible and treatment should be strengthened.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

[Source: Xinhua News Agency]