These 5 bad behaviors may cause damage to the kidneys, correct them as soon as possible to avoid uremia

Kidney is a very important metabolic organ in the human body. In addition to producing urine, expelling metabolic waste from the body, regulating water and electrolyte balance , but also has a certain endocrine function.

Therefore, the kidney is also known as the internal environment stabilizer of the human body. Whether it is in good health or not has a great impact on the human body.

The kidneys are very powerful, but also very fragile. If you let bad habits in daily life, it is easy to cause serious damage to the kidneys.

Over time, it may even cause uremia. Today, I will give you a detailed introduction to five bad habits that can seriously harm your kidney health.

1. Take medicine indiscriminately

< p>Many people choose to take their own medicines in order to save time when they feel unwell, and often think that take more medicines and they will get better soon.

This approach is actually very inadvisable, and most drugs will have certain side effects while treating the disease.

Frequent indiscriminate use of medicines or overdose of medicines can easily have toxic effects on the kidneys.

2. I don’t like drinking water

It is the basic function of the kidneys to generate urine and excrete metabolic wastes with the urine, so if you want to keep your kidneys healthy, you must develop actively drinking water good habits.

Lack of drinking water for a long time will lead to insufficient urine output, resulting in excessively high urine concentration, and a large amount of metabolic waste will accumulate in the kidneys and cannot be excreted. It is easy to cause kidney disease.

3. Often hold back urine

in When the business is busy, many people will have the behavior of frequent urination, and often think that as long as there are no symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and pain, then it means that< strong>Kidney health was not affected.

This view is actually very one-sided. Holding urine for a long time will lead to a significant increase in kidney burden, continuous repeated absorption of urine, kidney stones The incidence of the disease will be greatly increased as a result.

4. Often stay up late

The organs need to enter a resting state at night, as do the kidneys. Staying up late for a long time will lead to excessive fatigue in the body and affect the normal metabolism of the kidneys, which is very detrimental to kidney maintenance.

Therefore, if you want to stay away from kidney disease, you must develop good work and rest habits and ensure adequate sleep.

5. Improper diet

Daily diet Whether you are healthy or not has a considerable impact on the kidneys. If you consume too much high-salt and high-purine foods for a long time, it will also lead to kidney damage.

So in our daily life, we must pay attention to healthy diet, try to achieve the combination of meat and vegetables, balanced nutrition, and try to keep the taste as light as possible, Don’t be too partial to high-fat, high-salt foods.

If you want to strengthen kidney maintenance, you can eat more foods that qi and tonify kidney, such as wolfberry, mulberry, black beans, black sesame, etc.

The above are the five bad habits that need to be avoided in maintaining the kidneys. The role of the kidneys in the human body’s metabolic process is very critical. If the kidneys are diseased, in severe cases, life expectancy may be shortened.short.

Therefore, we must pay more attention to kidney maintenance and actively stay away from bad habits that will endanger kidney health.

In addition, if you often have problems such as back pain, abnormal urination, you must pay attention to whether the kidney function is damaged. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, you must > Correct attitude and actively accept standardized treatment.