“Three-in-one” family medical service

In April 2021, the Central Health Center of Wanchun Town, Wenjiang District, Chengdu became the first grass-roots public health center in the district to join the long-term care insurance agreement. Since then, a new model of integrating family doctor contracted services into long-term care insurance services has been launched. From the initial service of 4 disabled elderly people in the jurisdiction, to the current service of 63 disabled elderly people with dementia, within a year, the family doctor team of Wanchun Town Central Health Center has delivered warm-hearted services to the “heart” of the masses. Received sincere thanks from many residents.

Handwritten Thank You Letter for the Disabled Elderly

Family Doctor Becomes a “Friend”


“Dr. Zhang, Don’t look at my old woman’s hand, now I can write my own letter, all thanks to you…” On September 10, 2021, Zhang Yujie, a family doctor at Wanchun Town Central Health Center, received a thank you letter with “crooked” handwriting The letter was written by Granny Yu, the disabled old man served by Dr. Zhang.

The 82-year-old mother-in-law Yu is from Wanchun, Wenjiang. Two years ago, she was paralyzed by a stroke due to high blood pressure and could not take care of herself. In 2020, mother-in-law Yu was rated as Severely Disabled Level 2, and became the target of home-based service of long-term care insurance in Wenjiang District. The family doctor of Wanchun Town Central Health Center visits the door every month and provides professional services for the elderly 4 times.

“For the disabled elderly, in addition to the inconvenience of life, the biggest dilemma is the loneliness in their hearts.” According to family doctor Zhang Yujie, family doctors will be careful every time they visit their homes. She trimmed her nails, provided professional functional maintenance training, and sometimes shared new news on her mobile phone, encouraging her to maintain a positive attitude and cooperate with rehabilitation guidance.

From the refusal of the doctor when the doctor first came to the door, to gradually chatting with the family doctor, from the beginning of only practicing simple movements such as lifting legs and turning over in bed, to now being able to use the help of When she got out of bed and walked around with the aids, the changes in her body and mind made her and her family more confident and happy. In the continuous door-to-door service, the family doctor has also become a “confidant” of mother-in-law Yu. “Although the thank you letter is only a few lines long, I understand how difficult it is for a severely disabled old man to write down every word.” Zhang Yujie said with moist eyes.

Establishing a “full-professional” nursing team p>

The “three-in-one” service model has many highlights

It is understood that it will join the ranks of long-term care insurance medical services from April 2021 Later, Wanchun Township Central Health Center took multiple measures to derive the length and breadth of health services. In order to deeply integrate family doctor services with long-term care insurance services, the hospital has set up a professional long-term care insurance “full-professional integration” team based on experts from district-level medical institutions, family doctors, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation physiotherapists, community nurses, and public health personnel. . By making an appointment by phone in advance and signing a contract, the elderly will learn and assess the living environment, health status, past medical history, and major risk factors of the elderly on the spot. Then, according to the needs of the elderly and their families, they will select care projects and formulate intervention plans.

In order to actively respond to the aging of the population and steadily promote the integration of medical care and health care, as early as 2020, Wanchun Town Central Health Center It began to explore a model that combines family doctor services with home care services. With joining the ranks of long-term care insurance services, Wanchun Township Central Health Center has continuously enriched its service connotations, and deeply integrated family medical services, medical and elderly care, chronic disease management, home-based elderly care, medical assistance and long-term care services, giving birth to the “three-in-one” 1. A new model of family doctor service.

According to the introduction of Gong Yan, the head of family doctor of Wanchun Township Central Health Center, the hospital not only implements the “prescribed actions” for home service of long-term care insurance, but also performs “optional actions”. Family doctors bring extended services such as personalized health management, traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation physiotherapy, and medical assistance to the disabled and demented elderly and their families. The innovative “on-demand” combination of medical care and long-term care services has won unanimous praise from residents. “I do practical things for the masses” has come true.

” Through continuous health management, medical care, rehabilitation, etc. The hospital joins home-based care for the elderly), rehabilitation in the nursing home (continuous community rehabilitation for home services), disability insurance (disability and dementia add health protection), and explores the integrated health management model of ‘medicine, nursing, health and maintenance’, and truly becomes the The gatekeeper of the health and care of the elderly at home in the community.” Gong Yan told reporters.

Photo courtesy of Huaxi Community Media Reporter Liu Jun Health Center

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