No pain or itching, a check, advanced lung cancer! 3 symptoms are hidden too deep, very common, don’t ignore

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Age more than 50 years old, yes At a young age, parents need to take care of them, and children who have just started working still need to worry about it. At this critical time, no one wants to have problems with their own bodies. However, the tragedy fell on Mr. Wang mercilessly.

Mr. Wang has the habit of smoking since he was young, and he has maintained the habit of a pack for so many years. From young to middle age, there has been no problem, and there are few physical examinations during this period.

I don’t know when Mr. Wang started coughing, but he didn’t cough much. There are a few smokers who don’t cough. He didn’t take this symptom at all. Taking it to heart, later the cough worsened, so he checked under the urging of his family, and this investigation found a big problem.

After examination, Mr. Wang has a tumor in his lungs, which has metastasized.

Besides a little cough, I have no other symptoms. This cough is indeed a long time, but how did I get lung cancer? The doctor said that the tumor could have been found if it had been checked earlier.

How important is early screening for cancer patients?

Before cancer grows, it has little effect on the body, so symptoms are not easy to appear, which also leads to many people not saying that they are usually unconscious when they are diagnosed. In fact, it is not only lung cancer, but many cancers are like this. It may be because it is small in size and does not invade many tissues, so people are neglected.

Early screening can not only detect tumors, but also provide precise treatment, just like marking the buried mines in the body, the doctor only needs to clear the mines. Many examinations are very convenient to do. Soon, you can draw blood, lie down on the instrument, and you can know whether there are cancer cells in the body, and where they are, and then provide the doctor with a preliminary treatment plan.

From the perspective of cost and survival rate, it is also a day and a day. No matter how expensive the inspection fee is, it will not be more expensive than the cost of surgery, and no matter how expensive the surgery is, it will not be more expensive than chemotherapy. , New drugs are expensive. The sooner treatment is done, the better it is for the patient, with less time, cost, and economy, while at the same time surviving to the greatest chance of survival.

The symptoms of early lung cancer are similar to those of respiratory diseases, and 3 symptoms are very common, do not ignore

Cough is very common, not necessarily a cold, it may also be a lung cancer Chest tightness chest pain is very common, not necessarily a heart problem, it may also be a lung cancer with blood-colored secretions in the sputum, not necessarily Inflammation of the throat, or rupture of blood vessels in the lungs

In fact, there is not much difference between ordinary inflammation and early tumors, and it will last for a long time. Is there any continuous aggravation? situation, whether the pain has spread, etc. These symptoms cannot be ignored. When you find them, you should sound the alarm. It is best to have a physical examination. Don’t wait for obvious weight loss and long-term high fever.

Advanced stage of lung cancer, what may I experience?

1, the pain is severe, and the painkillers are ignored

After the tumor has progressed to a certain extent, the painkillers are no longer effective. Very weak, no matter what position is uncomfortable, I want to hit the wall. The patient’s body will become thinner and thinner due to less food and severe pain.

2, severe suffocation , smooth breathing has become a luxury.

Lung cancer advanced stage will understand how happy it is to be able to breathe smoothly. Some patients are in serious condition and there is no way to continue treatment. Oxygen cylinders are used to relieve suffocation. As the disease progresses, even oxygen may not be relieved in the end, until the lungs completely lose their function, which is very painful.

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seems to have only lungs When an organ is damaged, in fact, it will metastasize in the late stage. When it is transferred to the liver, the patient’s digestive ability is very weak, and there is no desire to eat. It may not be able to eat or drink for more than ten days. It is very slow, and there is no excretion of feces.

In short, patients with terminal cancer are very painful, and we can only try to make the patients dignified and less painful, and how long can they live in the end? It is related to the patient’s treatment method, physical function, economic and nutritional support, etc., and does not want lung cancer to come to the door.

I still want to remind everyone to reduce exposure to tobacco and radioactive substances. And carcinogens, which are very harmful to the lungs, and usually go out and work, but also pay attention to the protection of pollution sources. If you have renovated a new house at home, don’t be so anxious to move in. Female friends should pay attention to problems such as oil smoke and suffocation. .

Extended knowledge: 100 people who smoke, how many people will eventually get lung cancer?

This question may be something that many old smokers want to know but are afraid to know. And know.

A study 18 years ago answered this question with more answers than most people think: Smoking >5 per day, dying at age 75 The chance of lung cancer is 25%.

Converted to 100 people, it is equivalent to 25 people killed by cigarettes. The research was published in the British Journal of Cancer, which is of authoritative significance.

In fact, this data is very real, and it is not difficult to understand. From the current data on lung cancer and smoking, it can be seen that nearly half of the many lung cancer patients are related to smoking, and because of The number of patients dying from lung cancer is as high as one million.

Therefore, when you take out the cigarette and light it, think about these data, whether you will regret it in a few decades. If you decide to quit smoking now, then congratulations, you are more progressive than most smokers. For those who are not over 35 years old, now is a good time to quit smoking. It is easy to recover later. For those who are over 60 years old, As long as it has not developed into lung cancer, there is still the possibility of recovery, and the road ahead is long. I hope everyone quit smoking as soon as possible and can walk in a healthy way.