Nutritional water becomes “poisonous water”? Health organization statement: Drinking one sip is equal to sugar water to fill islets, stay away as soon as possible

Diabetes is a common chronic disease in our lives. Its root cause is still inconclusive. There are many reasons, but an unreasonable diet is an important fuse.

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people’s diet has been greatly improved, but more and more people are suffering from diabetes.


The 46-year-old sister Zhang is a cleaner, because of work , to the street to clean every day. In the morning, because I am in a hurry, Sister Zhang often eats casually, and brings a thermos to drink hot water anytime, anywhere. Because the doctor said a while ago that she was deficient in qi and blood, Sister Zhang recently soaked red dates in a cup, thinking about replenishing her qi and blood.

However, some time ago, Sister Zhang often felt exhausted and her mental state was not very good. She thought it was caused by being too tired at work, so she didn’t take it to heart.

Until one day when she went to work, Sister Zhang suddenly fainted on the road and was rushed to the hospital. After the doctor checked, it was found that Sister Zhang had diabetic ketoacidosis. Sad to pass away.

Nutrition water becomes “poisonous water”? Health Organization Statement: Drinking one sip is equivalent to filling the islets with sugar water, stay away as soon as possible let down his guard. The doctor exclaimed: Confused, how can you eat red dates like this with high blood sugar!

The doctor said that hyperglycemia is not easy to cure, and once you suffer from it, you should be vigilant for a long time, but Sister Zhang thinks it will not happen again, so she doesn’t care too much.

According to “Food Industry Technology”, the glycemic index of fresh jujube is 103, which can easily cause blood sugar to spike. In addition, soaking red dates in water is not good for people with high blood sugar, because sugar is a water-soluble substance that can be dissolved in water, and hot water will speed up the dissolution of sugar. In this way, nutrient water becomes “poisonous water”.

In addition, Ms. Gao’s living habits are not conducive to the control of hyperglycemia patients. Not only does she need to get up early every day, but she also often goes to bed late at night, which also affects the secretion of insulin, so she eventually develops diabetes.

So, who is not suitable for eating red dates regularly?

1. It is not suitable to eat red dates during the menstrual period – it will aggravate physical discomfort and cause moisture to gather, which is not good for health;

2. People with dryness and heat in the body should not eat red dates – red dates are warm and nourishing, and if people with a lot of anger eat it, it will add fuel to the fire and cause damp heat;

3 、Do not eat red dates when using antipyretics——It will reduce the initial absorption rate of the drug and easily form insoluble complexes;

4. It is not suitable for patients with diabetes and hyperglycemia——The sugar content of red dates is very high, which will raise blood sugar.

Patients want to better regulate blood sugar, 2 things can be adhered to for a long time

1. Dietary hypoglycemic nutrients

2. After dinner Insist on exercising

Many people will lie down or sit to play mobile phones and watch TV after eating, but this behavior is not friendly to sugar lovers. If you do not exercise after a meal, it is difficult to metabolize the ingested sugar, which will accumulate in the blood vessels and cause blood sugar to rise.

On the contrary, if you do exercise for about half an hour after a meal, such as jogging, cycling, etc., it can not only enhance your physical fitness, but also accelerate the decomposition of sugar, so as to better control sugar.

Reference: “Study on the synergistic blood sugar of jujube pigment and jujube soluble dietary fiber” Xie Hui, 2018