A 60-year-old woman loses 20 pounds in half a year! It’s not weight loss, it’s because of neck tumor

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Lin Qingqing correspondent Zheng Lin

Photo/provided by the hospital

A woman in Huadu lost 20 pounds in half a year, but she did not lose weight successfully, but Due to the tumor in the neck, the compression of the tumor caused pain, numbness and sleepless nights. He went to many hospitals but failed to have the surgery as he wished. Until recently, he successfully removed the tumor in Guangzhou and regained his health.

Picture and text irrelevant picture/Visual China

I lost 20 pounds in half a year, because of cervical pain Sleepless

Aunt Wang (surname changed), 65, and her family are engaged in nursery work in Huadu. Although the days were busy, Aunt Wang was optimistic and cheerful, and the family lived happily. According to Aunt Wang’s recollection, probably at the beginning of last year, my neck was often sore and painful. At first, she thought it was due to fatigue, but she never expected that the range of soreness and pain gradually expanded to the soles of her feet.

In June last year, Aunt Wang visited a nearby hospital and was told that there was a space-occupying lesion in the cervical spine. Due to the high risk of cervical spine surgery, he went to seven or eight hospitals and was told that surgery was impossible.

“I drink Chinese medicine every day for almost a year, but it has no effect.” Aunt Wang said. “The pain made me sleepless all night, and people gradually lost weight, from 106 pounds to 84 pounds.” Aunt Wang’s daughter, Miss Zhang (surnamed), sighed. At first, Aunt Wang was able to take care of herself, but later she even walked and squatted. These everyday activities are becoming increasingly difficult.

Aunt Wang, who was in unbearable pain, accompanied by her family members, came to Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital in early April.

Accurate “demining” of the operation, be careful if cervical soreness persists for a long time

Lin Tao, director of the second neurosurgery department admitted to the hospital, checked the images. Combined with the medical history, it is considered that the possibility of cervical schwannoma is high. After completing the relevant preoperative examinations, on April 13, Lin Tao’s team performed cervical endospinal resection for the patient. The postoperative pathological diagnosis was schwannoma, which further confirmed Lin Tao’s previous diagnosis.

Patient preoperative image

“The mass severely compresses the blood vessels and nerves in the spinal canal. According to Lin Tao, the tumor grows in the “minefield” where the spinal cord and nerves are dense. During the operation, with the help of precise microscopic instruments, the cocoon is removed layer by layer, and the tumor is successfully separated and removed while protecting the spinal cord. Injury “demining”.

After receiving supportive treatments such as nerve reconstruction and dehydration after surgery, Aunt Wang will be discharged from the hospital in the near future.

Surgically removed tumor

“Schwannoma grows in different stages of the spinal cord and can appear Different clinical symptoms.” Lin Tao said that it is worth noting that the higher the lesion location, the more severe the corresponding neurological damage and the higher the surgical risk.