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(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine: TCM medical institutions in 20 provinces sent more than 9,000 people to assist Shanghai to fight the epidemic

China News Agency, Shanghai, April 26th ( Reporter Li Chun) Huang Luqi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and deputy director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in a recent interview in Shanghai that in order to fully support Shanghai’s anti-epidemic work, under the deployment of the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism, under the organization and coordination of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine , TCM medical institutions from 20 provinces sent a total of 9,285 people, including 4 medical teams to take over the makeshift hospitals.

At the same time, more than 2,000 medical staff were dispatched from traditional Chinese medicine medical institutions in Shanghai to participate in the management of the reorganization system or some wards of 28 makeshift hospitals.

Huang Luqi said that in designated hospitals and Fangcang shelter hospitals, in addition to traditional Chinese medicine decoction and proprietary Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine non-drug therapies such as acupuncture, ear acupuncture, acupoint application, pediatric massage, and traditional Chinese medicine exercises are also widely used , and set up online courses of traditional Chinese medicine in Fangcang shelter hospitals to lead infected people to carry out traditional Chinese medicine exercises, which are very popular.

In addition, Shanghai has adopted traditional Chinese medicine intervention measures for people in close contact with closed areas. Huang Luqi said that Shanghai gave full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in “preventing disease” and issued relevant plans at the beginning of the current round of the epidemic, incorporating traditional Chinese medicine prevention work into the city and district joint prevention and control mechanism. Focus on old communities with positive cases, urban villages, as well as key groups such as community workers, couriers, police, and makeshift hospital construction sites, preventive interventions with traditional Chinese medicine have been given.

Recently, the Shanghai Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine conducted a sample survey of 10 centralized isolation points managed by TCM medical associations in 5 districts with similar transmission rates in the city. The results show that a total of 5,962 people who are in close contact with the new crown have been treated in 10 isolation points, of which 6 isolation points have a rate of taking traditional Chinese medicine over 80%, and the nucleic acid positive rate is 18.57%; 4 isolation points The rate of taking traditional Chinese medicine does not exceed 50%, and the nucleic acid positive rate was 26.82%, a statistically significant difference.

“This set of data fully reflects that the preventive intervention of traditional Chinese medicine in Shanghai for epidemic prevention in the early stage has obvious protective effect.” Huang Luqi said.

Talking about the application of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of critically ill patients, the expert also said that the focus of current treatment is on severe and critical cases of the elderly. Under the guidance of experts from the Shanghai Working Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and the support of experts from all over the country, the Shanghai Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine established national and municipal expert groups to conduct consultations and inspections, and formulated corresponding consensus on traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Regular case studies are carried out, and daily statistics on the treatment of elderly critical cases with traditional Chinese medicine are carried out. (End)