What should I do if the teeth decay before they get old? Traditional Chinese medicine revealed a trick, which is more effective than cleaning teeth, and it can also cure toothache at home

I used to think that teeth pain, bleeding and red and swollen gums, and even receding gums and loose teeth were all caused by not paying attention to oral hygiene.

It was not until my colleague Tian Zhen came to my house and told about her experience many years ago that I found out that the cause of toothache was not caused by not paying attention to oral hygiene.

Many years ago, Tian Zhen had been suffering from toothache. Whenever he got angry, Tian Zhen’s teeth would hurt. The final effect was minimal. Later, relatives introduced a Chinese medicine doctor who lived in the countryside and said that he was very good at seeing intractable diseases, so Tian Zhen went to the Chinese medicine doctor to see his teeth with a glimmer of hope.

This doctor of traditional Chinese medicine lives not far from your North Ring Road. If you ask about it in the local area, many people know him. They are all families of traditional Chinese medicine.

Tian Zhen talked about the troubles caused by toothache over the years after seeing Chinese medicine. At first, he only had the symptoms of bleeding gums and red and swollen gums, but it did not affect his normal life, so he didn’t care too much.

But in recent years, as long as I eat a little bit of hot food, the gums will swell up immediately, and the pain can only be relieved by taking painkillers.

The gums have shrunk until now, and I have been to major hospitals many times.

I wanted the doctor to give me a solution, but at that time the doctor said that periodontitis can only be relieved. If you want to return to normal eating, you can pull out the loose teeth and replace them with dentures.

Traditional Chinese medicine doctor smiled and told Tian Zhen after hearing this: tooth extraction is not the only way, Western medicine is fast in treating periodontitis, but only superficial The symptoms can be eliminated, and Chinese medicine pays attention to symptomatic treatment to remove the root. However, Chinese medicine has a simple and effective way to treat toothache. I will prescribe a pair of Chinese medicine for you. After you go home, you can grind it into powder instead of toothpaste and use it to brush your teeth, which can improve toothache. .

Tian Zhen asked the old Chinese doctor in confusion. The dentist said that periodontitis is caused by excessive oral bacteria. Could it be that brushing teeth with Chinese medicine also has a great effect on bacteria?

At this time, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine smiled and took out a book and told Tian Zhen that periodontitis is what Western medicine calls it, while traditional Chinese medicine calls it “Yixuan” and thinks that this is the cause of toothache. The root is the kidney and stomach.

First of all, it is not difficult to find that most of the affected people are among the middle-aged and elderly people. This is because after getting older, the various organs of the body gradually decline, resulting in no metabolism or slow metabolism.

And if you don’t pay attention to it in your life, it will cause the unbridled dissociation of virtual fire in the body, and the above problems will occur over time. It is said that when the virtual fire is vented to the upper gums, it will cause the gums to become irritated or even bleed and swollen.

In addition, Chinese medicine believes that “the kidney dominates the bones and the teeth are the bones”. When the kidney qi is full, the bone marrow is transformed and the bone marrow can fully nourish the teeth.

On the contrary, if the kidney qi is deficient and the kidney essence is seriously depleted, the kidney yin will be depleted, which will cause the teeth to become sore and weak, or even loose and fall out.

Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for toothache will use the traditional Chinese medicine of “tonifying kidney essence, calming deficiency fire” to reconcile, and use this simple and effective method to achieve the treatment method of internal and external treatment.

Tian Zhen asked the old Chinese doctor with a puzzled face, this method is quite good, but why haven’t I heard of it before, is the effect really so good?

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine touched his beard and said that the treatment method of brushing teeth with traditional Chinese medicine is not new.

There are more than 40 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine brushing formulas in the book that are still in use today, and they have good effects on toothache, red and swollen gums, gum recession, and loose teeth.”

Tian After Zhen returned home, he started brushing his teeth with Chinese herbal medicine. After using it for more than 2 months, he found that once he got angry, the problem of tooth pain has never occurred.

More importantly, The two loose molars that affected her eating in the past can now eat normally. Even chewing on some hard things has no problem at all. This makes Tian Zhen quite satisfied…

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Small story and big truth

First, Chinese medicine is not a medical treatment, but a way of life, and secondly, the root cause of many dental problems is periodontitis , Chinese medicine called “tooth Xuan”.

Tooth brushing is only to solve the superficial basic problem, while Chinese medicine believes that the basic start of “stomach fire and kidney essence” is needed.

The elderly People often suffer from insufficiency of kidney qi and discomfort in the spleen and stomach, which can cause toothache, bleeding gums, loose teeth, etc. Using ancient Chinese medicine to brush teeth is a good method. It is a test that is troubled by teeth.

Postscript: I have learned some knowledge of Chinese medicine before I know that toothache is not caused by not paying attention to hygiene, and you can’t just look at the surface.< /p>

The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of toothache is simple but effective, and it is worth brushing your teeth daily!