Pediatric massage relieves eye fatigue and helps online learning

Recently, due to epidemic prevention and control, many schools have launched online teaching. Children studying online for a long time, coupled with the reduction of outdoor activities, are prone to visual fatigue. Symptoms of visual fatigue include: squinting to see, frequent blinkingand rubbing, dry eyes, watery eyes, itching and other symptoms. When using the eyes for a long time, or reading books or watching TV at a very close distanceSevere vision loss will occur , blurred vision, etc.

When children have the above discomfort in their eyes, parents can help their children do Massage Health. By stimulating acupoints with specific manipulations, the purpose of dredging the meridians and harmonizing qi and blood can be achieved, so that the eyes can see with qi and blood nourished, relieve the spasm of the ciliary and extraocular muscles, and eliminate visual fatigue.

Five-step family health massage:< /span>

The first step, lie on the back with eyes closed, wipe the forehead, and wipe the forehead separately1minute, open the gate of heaven, push the temple , transporting the sun, and rubbing the high bones behind the ears (four manipulations) each 24times.

The second step, Thumb massage Yintang24times; tap Jingming, Shangming, Zanzhu, Yuyao, Sizhukong, Yangbai, Chengxi, Sibai each 24< span> times.


The third step, scrape the upper and lower eye sockets5-10 times; pinch the eyebrows (from the brow to the end of the brow) each 5 ​​-10 times; rub the eyeball with both thumbs 5 times.


The fourth step, ironing: rub the palms quickly When it becomes hot, place the palms of both hands on the eyes of the child. When the heat is not obvious, repeat the above operation 3-5 times.


Step 5, rub the auricle with both thumbs1minute, click Jiao Sun, Baihui, Sishencong for a total of 1minute.


Eye Care MassageDos and Don’ts:< /span>

1.Hands should be cleaned and nails trimmed before operation to prevent eye infection and injury to children.

2.Do not operate when children are crying.

3.When there is inflammation in the eyes and infection on the face, massage should be suspended.

4.This technique can be used for a long time and is effective in relieving eye fatigue, but it cannot replace glasses.

5.After each massage, it is better to close your eyes and rest for 10 minutes.

Daily care to prevent eye fatigue: span>

1.Develop a good eye habit and reduce the time spent watchingelectronic products.

3.Learning ambient lighting should be moderate, do not read in sunlight or dim light, writing.

4.Strengthen physical exercise, do more outdoor activities, and enhance physical fitness when the epidemic prevention and control permits.

6.Pay attention to eye exercises, and often close your eyes for maintenance.

8.Balanced nutrition to ensure adequate intake of required nutrients.

Introduction to Pediatric Massage Team

Pediatric massage can stimulate the meridians and acupoints, dredging the meridians, balancing the yin and yang, dredging the meridians, balancing the yin and yang. /span>The role of righteousness. It can promote the growth and development of children, improve the body’s immunity, prevent the occurrence of diseases, and achievePrevent disease before it occurs The purpose of . Li Xiaoqin, the leader of the Pediatric Massage Team of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, studied under Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Professor Yu Tianyuan, the leader of the national key discipline of massage, has mature clinical experience in pediatric massage, and can better solve the problems of common and frequently-occurring diseases in clinical pediatrics through massage therapy, and the clinical effect is outstanding. span>

Pediatric massage object: suitable for children under the age of 12,Best effect under 6years.

Applicable scope:

1.Conditioning common diseases in children: pulmonary diseases (fever, cold, cough , pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, asthma), digestive diseases (anorexia, stagnation, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, malnutrition), others (night sweats, night crying, enuresis, frequent urination), etc.

2.Difficult and complicated diseases: musculoskeletal diseases (children torticollis, scoliosis, congenital hip dislocation), abnormal gait (X type, O type legs), visual impairment ( asthenopia, strabismus, myopia), other (ADHD, tics, developmental delay, cerebral palsy sequelae), etc.

3.Health care services: pediatric health care, pediatric health care for spleen and stomach, pediatric health care for lungs, health care for children’s intelligence and brain health, health care for children’s nerves, Enhance children’s immunity, massage, etc.

Physician Profile

< p>

Li Xiaoqin 

Attending TCM Physician, Lecturer

< p>The leader of the pediatric massage team and a core member of the postpartum rehabilitation team. Member of the Professional Committee of Acupoint Embedding of the Chinese Acupuncture Society, director of the Acupuncture and Knife Alliance of the Chinese Acupuncture Society, and member of the Standing Committee of the Promotion Branch of Chinese Medicine Appropriate Technology of Jiangxi Chinese Medicine Society. Currently presided over 2 projects at the provincial and ministerial level; published more than 20 academic papers , of which SCIpapers1 were published as correspondingauthors or first authors, Journal articlesarticles8 articles; participated in the compilation of national planning textbooks2Department, Associate Editor of Works1Department, Co-edited Works6Department.

Clinically good at treating neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, common pediatric diseases ( Pediatric torticollis, spleen and stomach disease, constipation, diarrhea, cough, growth retardation, etc.), common postpartum diseases (rectus abdominis separation, pelvic floor dysfunction, pubic symphysis separation, postpartum obesity, postpartum body pain, postpartum urinary retention, postpartum leakage urine, postpartum hypogalactia, postpartum lactation, etc.).

Author: Li Xiaoqin, Rong Lingling

Editor: Zhong Shifang

Review: Shen Desen

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